Srry for the magnet thing. I originally wanted it to be a parasite fighter which sticks on to the carrier but in the end I removed the magnet but I forgot to remove the “Ag5 for Magnet” so ok? cool?
I will wait until there are 8 submissions. anyways the date of submission is 30 July 2024 and I like Dinotrux so if you made a Dinotrux like Ty rux or Ton-Ton let me know
@FlyingPotato_131 still fixing it lol
+1such good inspiration I have to make a plane based on this!
thx for this piece of inspiration
good tank for flying (it has the booster tank thingys)
thx Mixx for the legs! (funky trees coding)
thx for the i n s p i r a t i o n!!!
gonna fix it
gonna learn from you and make my own
Srry for the magnet thing. I originally wanted it to be a parasite fighter which sticks on to the carrier but in the end I removed the magnet but I forgot to remove the “Ag5 for Magnet” so ok? cool?
tomorrow I am going to announce the winners!!! 🏆🏆🛩️🛩️🥇🏅
extended to 25th July
who ever gets the most upvotes will WINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to make a better predecessor
@Swanik ok your mech is very good! I downloaded it!
I will wait until there are 8 submissions. anyways the date of submission is 30 July 2024 and I like Dinotrux so if you made a Dinotrux like Ty rux or Ton-Ton let me know