748 tomtaj123

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joined 10.3 years ago

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Player Biography  

I like taking (‘taking’ is a strong word, I couldn’t think of a better word sorry) someone’s creation and, at their request, modifying it and making it something else; usually taking a vehicle and turning it into a tow truck basically.

I may not be the best at building things that both look good AND work well, but I try my best. I’m always open to suggestions on how to improve my creations, and I’m willing to collaborate on a creation with someone.

If you want me to modify one of your creations, or you want to collaborate with me, or even if you want me to look over your creation and tell you what you can do to improve it; then let me know, either by mentioning me in one of your creations, or on one of my creations, or even in my Tow-Truck Conversion forum, and we can talk.

Thanks for reading!