90 unpocoloco Comments

  • flag of China 3.4 years ago

    You can take all the potshots you want and I don’t give a rip. What I said was the truth.

  • flag of China 3.4 years ago

    @BOXboy I cannot agree with you because then we would both be wrong. There is nothing fair and/or just about the Chinese government. If you truly believe otherwise, you are truly delusional.

    But I am convinced you are simply an internet troll on the payroll of the Chinese government. Your mission is to spread pro-Marxist and pro-China propaganda as well as embarrass vocal opponents and foment dissent among those living in free societies. The only reason I am replying is to expose you for who and what you are.

    Yes, the US has had its bad moments in history as have all countries on the planet. The record of our dealings with Native Americans would be an excellent case in point. So is the track record of the British when dealing with any group of non-Caucasians. But we have learned from our mistakes and over the years have removed such reprehensible racist behavior from our national policies.

    Tragically, the Middle Kingdom has not. China has considered guai lo to be their racial inferiors for millennia. Like all countries founded in Marxism, its human rights violations and oppression of those your ruling elite govern to their own selfish benefit are very much their modus operandi, has been since the dawn of Mao, and continues to this day with no end in sight.

    So if you expect your insults or opinions to sway or embarrass this frog, you are tragically mistaken. For your words to matter, I would have to care what you think, which is never going to happen. Only those with zero critical thinking skills will buy into your schtick anyway.

    Goodbye, please.

  • flag of China 3.4 years ago

    @Numbers2 1: it's not a vehicle or a game mod, it's a political statement; 2: Because of that, it, it has no legitimate place in this community; 3: Yes, I have reported it to the admins; 4: I have no problem with Chinese planes or vehicles, I have a problem with the government which produces the RL counterparts; 5: the symbols on a historical plane are history and that has no correlation to current events other than the Chinese government bears a STRONG resemblance to Nazi Germany in behaviors, attitudes, and human rights violations. 6: it's a free country and I can say what I want.

  • flag of China 3.4 years ago

    In light of China's track record of human rights abuses and genocide, this is reprehensible.

  • Red & Green running lights 3.6 years ago

    Thanks! Somehow I had missed that custom setting

  • Loading Mods and Downloaded Planes in SP running on Steam 3.6 years ago

    @Krmo Thanks! That was enough to get me in the right place