441 whitten

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joined 7.8 years ago

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I make cars planes. Jets. Drones. Just tell me what you whant !!!!

Make sure to like upvote all my stuff. ;)

Space' we all wonder about space' gravity' but the super rocket can get you there'upvote comment

Cars are fun fast but on rare times they blow up'dont work'brake'
Actually that's commen talk to me!

Planes ''we all know fly ??? Do they?

Rockets are the hardest to make ballence'thrust' ........need advice
Come on its not rocket wate it is!!!

Need help I'm hear for you 24'7

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And please no rude comments thank you for you're support!!!!

Space is cool make it that's in the super rocket

Brand new 18\3\4 destroy derby cars , you are one car and that's are 2 cars you can play with \ kill,

Bully's back off

Haters gunna burn

Jerks gunna die