232 yKyrin

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joined 2.3 years ago

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Player Biography  

Kyrin Industries Base, Somewhere in South America
??/12/2022 16:00

This place is closed to public, only authorized personnel.

If you are here, you can know what we do. Kyrin was created to research new technologies for military and civillian vehicles and engines. You can't take photos here! Keep going foward and you can talk with the main engineer. If we caught you taking photos here, you are dead. - 'Some masked guy'

Main Projects

  • Electric/Hybrid military truck
  • Electric engine "eP-10"
  • Hybrid engine "P-10y"
  • Gas & Diesel engine "P-10 & P-10+"

Secondary Projects

  • Engine Swap a common car
  • Modify planes
  • Other stuff

Secret Projects

they are secret, what you expect i say?

Factories Location

  • Minas Gerais, Brazil (Somewhat public factory)
  • Somewhere, France
  • Somewhere, Germany

Kyrin Industries is owned by ~yKyrin

Previously known as PhoenixIndustries