@PIVOZAVR I suggest you try Su-25 to find out how it works. the two computers are easier to find. one is in same position with pilot camera, you can hide pilot camera to find it. The other is in the position of cursor, the center of cursor.
and there is the latest version of atgm, I set engines' data to avoid it hit plane itself, and also I set gyroscope's data about Pitch make sure missile works well in a high Pitch angle.
@PIVOZAVR :) sure. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/f47YiC/Mi-24P this is my another work, and someone mentioned same question. some comment may help you.
@Haytham115 When you launch misilles, you will lose some parts. When the number you lost is over 1/3 the aircraft have, the system will judge that you are already destroyed. Then all enemies won't fire on you.
@su34 文本零件我还不太会用,等下回翻新的时候一起改罢
@su34 旋翼转速只要不是特别慢应该是会被炸掉的
@su34 其实是过年没时间做了
@su34 什么另一个版本卡50
╮( •́ω•̀ )╭侧卫好多人做过了
@su34 Sorry, A bug occur in mobile phone. mobile players can't use it. Now fixing.
(◞‸◟ )
@CongTheWawa Maybe but it may take a really long time, even several months
@CongTheWawa 3 flight computers tell the position. engines in the missile keep the 3 computers in a same line by PID function
@Vulorian you can try setting- physics- low
that may save your phone
@JakeTheAviationTeen I will try, but it could take a really long time. because I will get to work soon. it may take even few months.
@PIVOZAVR (●'◡'●) you're welcome
@PIVOZAVR I suggest you try Su-25 to find out how it works. the two computers are easier to find. one is in same position with pilot camera, you can hide pilot camera to find it. The other is in the position of cursor, the center of cursor.
@PIVOZAVR It's really small and may really hard to find, 5m away from weapon camera .
@PIVOZAVR It's really small and may really hard to find, 5m away from weapon camera .
and there is the latest version of atgm, I set engines' data to avoid it hit plane itself, and also I set gyroscope's data about Pitch make sure missile works well in a high Pitch angle.
@PIVOZAVR if you have any questions about details just ask me.
@PIVOZAVR :) sure. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/f47YiC/Mi-24P this is my another work, and someone mentioned same question. some comment may help you.
@jonmal95 (●'◡'●) thanks for your support
@jonmal95 I can add12.7mm yak-B machine gun, which has 4 rolling barrels.
@liguowei 是的,其实一开始由于尾桨飞机向右偏转的很严重。已经是用经验公式修正过的结果了。所以自动悬停就没有做
@FairFireFlight lol thanks, that's the most advanced missile I could build. It could enrich gameplay experience.
@CRATE52PART2 thanks for liking it
@gnershk thanks
@sinenko Sorry but I didn't get what you mean. Is there something wrong with helicopter's nose?
@wfy312 不知道,手机装MOD有点复杂我不会,有底图建模会方便好多
@wfy312 @wfy312 @wfy312 没有在群里,只是有时候逛逛贴吧,但是贴吧感觉人好少,明天有空再加群吧
@wfy312 就是发布的时候系统要求给飞机照相的那个啊,有个MOD叫designer suite,可以把照片作为底图,三张图确实是底图
@wfy312 对不起不是有点,是非常难找
@wfy312 观瞄头中心有一个,观瞄正前方几米远也有一个小的,就是准星放大时候看到的小黑点,不过有点难找
@wfy312 Active2开启自瞄,3325米内有效
no politics discussion please
A group of cannon seems to simulate dropping shells. But it doesn't work.
@WojakArgento XD To get a better handling ,I test it for few days.
@CharlesDeGaulle Aha! thanks
@geek1love wow,then congratulate them.
@Default4 thanks for like it. I want a better view so i put camera higher, maybe i should make a adjustable seat like what in cars.
@Th3rmoplylae thanks a lot
@AeroAeroTheMen big turning radius and no decoy flare are really annoying .lol
@CalebRepublic Thanks for your like
@Jedediah O(∩_∩)O我空间里还有更好康的灰机喔
@Pandor1on Sure. but it may not come soon, before that i should finish my job and another project about su-25.
@CenturyAerospace thanks for liking this
@wfy312 ok我再想想,不想动驾驶舱是因为如果缩放驾驶舱会影响导弹的锁定范围
@KobzeR ok i will build mi-24A and her sister mi-35
@KobzeR Actually, I have no idea yet. I need to search some data to find what's different from these types.
@KobzeR Mi-24 is in the plan.(´•ω•̥`)
@INDOMIEKARI Thankso( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
@hgfuugg 其实已经大体做好了,就等更新以后换装新仪表盘
@Haytham115 When you launch misilles, you will lose some parts. When the number you lost is over 1/3 the aircraft have, the system will judge that you are already destroyed. Then all enemies won't fire on you.
@wfy312 电脑键盘会好用些