@skittleChan sorry it's hard to devide this system form whole build. order of shots is matter. that means this atgm system is hard to fit other vehicle.
@skittleChan well, it's hard to explain it in few words. some jets keeps its position and make sure your eyesight and missile are in a same line.
by the way, what is 'missile creator' ?
@CorporalWojak Thanks your like. But I'm affected I can't afford new project in a short time. I got a job with almost no weekends and vacation. Sorry I can't make sure any project. But I make sure I won't give up quality of any works.
@Farat54321 every missile has a little computer, and 4 engines. weapon camera have 2 computers, one front and the other is same position as camera. engines will try to keep the three computer in same line. then the missile can fly to where you look at.
@Noname918181 Very exciting to see this result. Thanks for liking my design, and thanks for hosting the challenge, I do have fun with it. Without your preparation, the challenge won't be successful like this.
@Pandor1on You can check your game setting-Game Quality-Physics, and switch it to "High". I haven't found this bug yet. But I will try to find out what happened.
@BarracudaProtogen @BarracudaProtogen this craft has not only one 'flight computer' , then the center of position has changed and some functions like mirror goes wrong
+9@alphaKiloMike sure and it may take several days to test
+2@wfy312 感谢up,把转轴数据给你吧
clamp((1-clamp01(Activate2))YAW/60(-0.25),-0.5,0)+(clamp01(TargetSelected)clamp01(Activate2)clamp01(TargetDistance<3325)clamp(((((cos(-PitchAngle)sin(-Heading))(sin(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-Heading)cos(-PitchAngle))(cos(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (-sin(-PitchAngle))((sin(TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)TargetDistance/(600))+4.9TargetDistance/(360000))))<0 ? -sign(-((cos(-Heading)cos(-RollAngle) + sin(-Heading)sin(-RollAngle)sin(-PitchAngle))(sin(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-Heading)sin(-RollAngle)sin(-PitchAngle) - cos(-RollAngle)sin(-Heading))(cos(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-PitchAngle)sin(-RollAngle))((sin(TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)TargetDistance/(600))+4.9TargetDistance/(360000)))))180 : 0) - atan((-((cos(-Heading)cos(-RollAngle) + sin(-Heading)sin(-RollAngle)sin(-PitchAngle))(sin(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-Heading)sin(-RollAngle)sin(-PitchAngle) - cos(-RollAngle)sin(-Heading))(cos(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-PitchAngle)sin(-RollAngle))((sin(TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)TargetDistance/(600))+4.9TargetDistance/(360000)))))/((cos(-PitchAngle)sin(-Heading))(sin(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (cos(-Heading)cos(-PitchAngle))(cos(-TargetHeading + rate(-TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600))) + (-sin(-PitchAngle))((sin(TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)TargetDistance/(600))+4.9TargetDistance/(360000)))))),-30,0)/60)
clamp01(Activate2)clamp01(TargetDistance<3325)TargetSelected ? (clamp((90-acos((cos(Heading+90)cos(RollAngle)sin(PitchAngle)-cos(Heading)cos(PitchAngle)sin(RollAngle))sin(TargetHeading + rate(TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600)) + (sin(RollAngle)sin(Heading)cos(PitchAngle)-sin(PitchAngle)sin(Heading+90)cos(RollAngle))cos(TargetHeading + rate(TargetHeading)TargetDistance/(600)) + (sin(Heading+90)cos(RollAngle)cos(Heading)cos(PitchAngle)-sin(Heading)cos(PitchAngle)cos(Heading+90)cos(RollAngle))(sin(TargetElevation + rate(TargetElevation)TargetDistance/(600))+4.9TargetDistance/(360000)))),-45,0)/30) : 0+clamp(((1-clamp01(Activate2)) PITCH/30*0.75),-1,0)
@PriyanshuGM wow what a high rate
+2@Th3rmoplylae Im happy you can have fun with it
+2@SiCorSky maybe a improved type 🤔,I referred to "DCS ka- 50Ⅲ" and "wargame red dragon".
+1@F8boa lol thanks for loving it
+1@wfy312 真是好久不见,土木狗上班干费求了都,好容易才搓一个出来
+1@Apollo018362 Thanks!
+1@skittleChan sorry it's hard to devide this system form whole build. order of shots is matter. that means this atgm system is hard to fit other vehicle.
+1@skittleChan well, it's hard to explain it in few words. some jets keeps its position and make sure your eyesight and missile are in a same line.
+1by the way, what is 'missile creator' ?
@CorporalWojak Thanks your like. But I'm affected I can't afford new project in a short time. I got a job with almost no weekends and vacation. Sorry I can't make sure any project. But I make sure I won't give up quality of any works.
+1@Vincentmenard cool. you like it!
+1@Grif0n Пожалуйста😁
+1@Glonder1 Китай строитель.
+1@Deepdark 米35好像区别也不大,有个旋转炮塔,挂架少一个,起落架固定。航电升级做不出来的。可以过一年来炒冷饭(bushi
+1@Farat54321 every missile has a little computer, and 4 engines. weapon camera have 2 computers, one front and the other is same position as camera. engines will try to keep the three computer in same line. then the missile can fly to where you look at.
+1@MelMel already have ka-52, you can try on it.
+1@SimplePilot28465 Спасибо
+1@Shimamurahougetsu sorry for late and have fun with it
+1@Shimamurahougetsu late for 9 months, Mi-24 finally come.
+1@Iamanoob thanks for liking this, and i will try the same guide way on jet fighter.
+1@wfy312 针不戳,细节整得更像真的了,机身右侧有一行字因为镜像错位了。话说你哪里查的的那么多细节,机炮角度什么的我都只有靠猜。可惜没上架点不了up
+1@wfy312 这个其实就是整合了新瞄准系统和旧自瞄数据,然后修改了炮管子会戳到导弹发射架的问题
+1@Rx75 THX for emergency fix
+1@Noname918181 Very exciting to see this result. Thanks for liking my design, and thanks for hosting the challenge, I do have fun with it. Without your preparation, the challenge won't be successful like this.
+1@IsafromCNplayer 这是挺早之前做的了,技术还不成熟。现在考虑换激光驾束,只是技术有亿点点难度。还要技术攻关
@TheFlyingHusky thanks for liking
+1@Pandor1on :D Thanks for liking this aircraft
+1@Pandor1on You can check your game setting-Game Quality-Physics, and switch it to "High". I haven't found this bug yet. But I will try to find out what happened.
+1@WolfHunter9111 They are really similar , but it actually come from French helicopter AS-365"dolphin".
+1@wfy312 嘘🤫我没改
+1@Freerider2142 Thanks a lot. I'm waiting for this update, then i can get some new parts to build a real cockpit
+1@Strikercritsilver No problem, I will post a version only have body and gear. You can use and publish it as your wish.
+1@wfy312 悄悄告诉你ε(*´・ω・)з只要把中间的导弹挂架去掉手机就能玩了。减零件的话估计只有更新以后优化了
+1@wfy312 ୧((〃•̀ꇴ•〃))૭⁺✧
+1@wfy312 这个KA-50做的真不错
+1@wfy312 德国虎头顶的可转动观瞄就是为机炮自瞄做的准备
+1@wfy312 舱盖起飞都是小问题。共轴反桨加可收起的起落架还真不太好做,没做过这种
+1@KobzeR no problem. but after france tigre. KA-52 looks realy cool.
+1@wfy312 当然是换涂装加机炮做个法国虎再水一期啦:D好不容易捏的机体可不能浪费了
+1@wfy312 哈哈多谢
+1@Rjenteissussy add many items
@sh0rpo I did't set a boundarie of guidance on purpose. When distance get longer, the devation value get higher, it get missile loss control.
@skittleChan thanks for understanding
@BarracudaProtogen @BarracudaProtogen this craft has not only one 'flight computer' , then the center of position has changed and some functions like mirror goes wrong
@HansScharff glad to solve your problem. hope you create cool stuff too
@HansScharff select part ➡️ 🔁 ➡️ a button with 'X'
@AndenovLIU 是的,可惜上班没时间搞了,下回更新要到猴年马月去了