16.4k Noob101

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joined 1.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

I mainly build my aircraft simply but on mobile this is just a hobby for me. I
may release a new aircraft every month average this is a place where i test my ideas. i also repaint/remaster plaines if you have a build request ask pls. also i live in the US so plan accordingly to my timezone if you want to contact me.


user page 21

My alt @NOOB101ALT

My SR @Noob101SR


Huge thanks to @Zaineman i wouldn't be at this point without him. :D

Rank bronze 10/2/2023
Rank silver 11/14/2023
2000 points 12/16/23
3000 points 12/29/23
4000 points 1/28/24
Rank gold 2/7/24
6000 points 2/18/24
7000 points 2/23/24 due to @SKLV95
50 followers 3/1/24
8000 points 3/3/24
9000 points 3/14/24
10000 points 4/4/24 due to @Mousewithamachinegun122
11000 points 4/14/24
12000 points 4/25/24
13000 points 5/15/24
14000 points 6/23/24
15000 points 10/9/24
16000 points 1/1/25
Rank platinum one day hopefully by 2026

(STATUS: Building/lazy ,Mondays,saturday sunday)




My aircraft cooperation


My favorite quotes

(But why some say the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why 35 years ago fly the Atlantic? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon.
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept.) JFK

(my name is the Lorax, and I speak for the trees, and for some f-ing reason they’re speaking’ Vietnamese.)

Equipped with Air-to-Air missiles so some annoying fatass in a sleigh doesn't get in your way while you're trying to commit an act of terro- I mean deliver presents to the orphanage :) Graingy


@Hahahahaahahshs cool guy
@Zaineman PSM for life
@EnglishGarden my first upvote was by him
guy who makes civilian airliners that are very good

My favorite aircraft