Hello there.
As the title says, turning the tables in the matter of the ratio of downloads vs upvotes.
Why? What is wrong?
I'm not alone in this one: when you take a lot of enfort in building something you like and wishing to share with the SP community, it takes in the majority of times for the SP user to download the build leaving behind the upvote part.
This is truly unfair and for me and the others who are not strange to this situation, i think this is not something to get use to it and something must be done against this.
How to turn around that issue?
It came to my head the following: every time you finish a model and it is ready to upload, it should be posted an announcement of the build, describing what it is, adding imagens, etc and adding a number of upvotes to reach in that same post in order to unlock that build.
23 Upvotes to 790 downloads :/
@Tully2001 idk if you do it but you could teel the system it only counts one download per account
We could have downloads correlate to points only if they have an account. it won’t be exactly what he was talking about but just might work then you can’t do bots on that either@Tully2001
@Tully2001 thanks, i am not asking for the forum upvote system to change, i am just gathering a few opinions from the users.
@CoolPeach rare are the persons that test an aircraft before they upvote but i'm happy to know you do. Before the whole community gets acess to the build it was requested (upvoted) by people who wish to have/test it.
I can’t remember either as it has been almost a year since I was at bronze even. @asteroidbook345
@asteroidbook345 Indeed, i agree. But when they see a preview of the build with its qualities, the story changes ;)
@ForeverPie I think it is not forced because no one is obligadet to upvote. Upvote ransom? I see it as a trade from people who like some kind of builds for people who like those builds.
I agree. If I got 5 points for every download, I'd be well past 2,000 points.
That sounds like forced upvote mining to me.
Or maybe upvote ransom?
@nadvgia Yeah, like I said to me it's not really an issue, It's more just getting people to even click on my build.
@TheMachinist and after reaching the number of points goal, that user and all the other member that upvote to really wish that model will get the model. I think it is fair.
Isn’t there also a mother way to upvote if you have less than 30 points? I thought if you had a follower or something you could also upvote. @asteroidbook345
@asteroidbook345 not to mention that most part of those models only take less than 30' to build without much enfort.
@TheMachinist what about the user that sees the preview of the model and gets interested in getting it? Doesn't he get benefit?
@Sm10684 i´ll be honest regarding my opinion over youtube likes: everytime i see a youtuber starting a video and remembering the viewer to give a like, i will dislike. That is begging. You can give a like if you want, here IMPOV i see it as an exchange for both builder and user and no user is obligated to upvote.
@CaptainEssen i thought about that too but it means that a builder could also download/upvote its own builds, kinda bad.
I can see where you're coming from, I have that same situation with my builds. My F-48A Rex has around 50 downloads and only 3 upvotes while my most popular build, the Me-43, has around 120 downloads and 14 upvotes. I think a solution to this would be to have downloads give points as well just not as many as upvotes do. I'm not complaining too much about the current system however, to me it's more getting people to even look at my builds.
I'm personally satisfied with my current download/upvote ratio. I might be biased, but I think downloads are always supposed to be higher than upvotes. Think of it like views and likes on YouTube, where the views are downloads and likes are upvotes. You never see a YouTube video with more likes than views (except for that infamous glitch).