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The plane is obvious, so guess the armament instead.

9,447 vcharng  5.1 years ago

This is my next WWII aircraft.

Since this will be my first WWII German aircraft, let me make it clear:
I wish all my aircrafts can be enjoyed by everyone, so I'll remove some elements that may offend some people. In this case the swastika will be replaced by Weimar Republic flag as its fin flash. Everything else will be as per WWII Luftwaffe since unfortunately the Weimar Republic didn't have an air force.
This is where the "SUWW2" setting comes in. Since it's Simple Universe version of WW2, there simply wasn't a Nazi party. In fact I already did that in my last plane. I removed ramming kill marks from the Ki-94-I because Japanese often find Kamikazes offending.

With the necessary declaration done, now the fun part:
since the aircraft is probably obvious, anyone want to guess what I'm gonna let this Ju 288 carry?

I can make a few upvotes as reward for people who got the right answer.

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    9,447 vcharng

    @BACconcordepilot Well, yeah but your comment came after the answer and is way too general lol.

    5.1 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @BACconcordepilot There's a new thread about this plane

    5.1 years ago
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    Well, I've never put in much research on the Ju 288, which I should do because it's a cool plane. But I'm going to guess it has at least 2 autocannons or 1 larger-caliber cannon. Maybe a few bombs or rockets too?

    5.1 years ago
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    @vcharng yes, went to check, it's just swastika
    I was talking about the common sp practice, which i guess is for show aircraft and not for combat

    5.1 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @AstleyIndustries I think Luftwaffe aircrafts don't have the white circle at all, only the swastika.

    Though you reminded me that I can also paint it as the Condor Legion. Those marks were NOT sensitive (and their roundel is easier to make than German Iron Cross, lol)

    The truth is, nobody knows what a Weimar fin flash would look like because Weimar had zero aircraft. I can also get by with a normal iron cross.

    5.1 years ago
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    IDK so I'll guess SC1000 bomb

    It may be better to make an empty tail or the white circle only instead of a weimar flag, no detail > wrong detail

    5.1 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @BoganBoganTheMan More like, I'll associate the luftwaffe with the Weimar instead of the 3rd reich.
    If Weimar had its own air force it'll all be easier, unfortunately Treaty of Versailles says no...

    And your guesses are interesting... but let me make it clear:
    What "armament" this Ju 288 will be carrying?
    So nope, not passengers. Nor cargo. Well unless you count weapons as a kind of "cargo"...

    The answer will be announced on the next teaser.

    5.1 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    @BoganBoganTheMan Darnit, I forgot.

    5.1 years ago
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    @MrPorg137 Luftwaffe today isnt link to the WW2 Luftwaffe
    and he is clearly talking about the WW2 Luftwaffe

    5.1 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    @BoganBoganTheMan The Luftwaffe still exists today so it isn't as offensive as Nazi symbols.

    5.1 years ago
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    9,275 UraniumOxide

    A big nuclear boom boom device.

    5.1 years ago
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    2,174 Random40

    It’s crew?

    5.1 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    German dirty bomb.

    5.1 years ago
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    35.0k WarHawk95

    Fritz-X glide bomb ?

    5.1 years ago
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    40.7k Typhoon03

    A multitude of machine guns and bombs ranging between incendiary devices and 500 pounders.

    5.1 years ago
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    but now you will associate the weimar republik with the Luftwaffe

    +6 5.1 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    I don't even recognize this plane!

    5.1 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    i think this thing will carry people.

    5.1 years ago