I mean, imagine being able to make detailed replicas or things and make them able to function.
Being able to design pretty good 3D models with basic tools, and make color schemes or
patterns with only being able to paint each 'part' a solid color.stuff on a "CAD"software disguised as a game
Making those "3D models" function, as intended or realistically*. *even with mediocre physics.
Learning new math stuff and math functions, and/or basic coding. (if you don't already know some of them.)
Being able to exploit, fix, and abuse, bugs and imperfections of the "game".
Innovating and finding solutions to things you didn't ask and didn't know was possible.
of course, none of these would have been possible without the all mighty devs who are very kind and treat us as friends.
I feel like there is something wrong here.
Am I drunk or something?
I like the comunity and the game a lot! Of course, it isnt perfect, but nothing is. I like being part of the comunity
Other than fuselage art I am pretty much a newb... and I haven't uploaded something serious for a while now...
@WarHawk95 corrected, thanks.
I’m ok, idk about awesome
I appreciate the mention of math here :)
Thanks but don't you mean everything instead of everyone ?
I agree
i disagree, community is often toxic
Best part of simple planes is the community.
edit: sadly not, a minority of this community caused it to crash and burn
@BuiltBionixInd10 I live in a pretty poor country and humans like these are very rare.
That's why I admire you kinds humans
@BuiltBionixInd10 mostly
Are you sure about that?