In the vast landscape of cinematic masterpieces on 123movies, 'The Shawshank Redemption' occupies a special place as my unequivocal favorite. The film's narrative brilliance, coupled with the stellar performances of Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, weaves a compelling tale of hope, friendship, and redemption within the confines of Shawshank State Penitentiary. This enduring classic resonates with me on a profound level, leaving an indelible mark with each viewing and reinforcing its status as an unparalleled masterpiece.
You say r/woooosh to someone when they say something that indicated the joke went over their head. The “woooosh” sound is the sound of the joke going over their head. @WarHawk95
In the vast landscape of cinematic masterpieces on 123movies, 'The Shawshank Redemption' occupies a special place as my unequivocal favorite. The film's narrative brilliance, coupled with the stellar performances of Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, weaves a compelling tale of hope, friendship, and redemption within the confines of Shawshank State Penitentiary. This enduring classic resonates with me on a profound level, leaving an indelible mark with each viewing and reinforcing its status as an unparalleled masterpiece.
I would, but no one knows what SP is. @Jake_
@Brendorkus You'll get a lot of karma lol post it on reddit
You say r/woooosh to someone when they say something that indicated the joke went over their head. The “woooosh” sound is the sound of the joke going over their head. @WarHawk95
Can someone explain me precisely what this thing is used for exactly
That a r/ihavereddit moment
Exactly @SuperRoto
My understanding of the r/wooosh is a joke going over the head, not a “I don’t understand” type of thing.