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What is the "Maywar Sighting"?

24.4k BagelPlane  4.5 years ago

Original Post is at the bottom


I've replicated the circumstances this phenomenon took place under, but have come up empty-handed. I've done low fly-bys but haven't been shot at. Does it exist? Has anyone else seen the mystery vehicle?
Most of my convoys looked like those, 8-12 vehicles but no "new tanks". What's going on?

Original Post

First off: These are real photos from the game and have not been photoshopped or modified in any way. (except for zooming)

Okay, so recently I've been playing around Maywar, because, hey, I got a PC that can actually run SP. So new island, I'm exploring it in my mini-car thing that I made. So I've been testing to see if I can make an air-dropped RC spy car thing, and so I fly from Wright and drop my car onto Maywar, usually around the convoy, because, hey, that's cool. And so one day, I drop from my cargo plane and I see this.

And I see this.

What do I say? It's a convoy, right?

Look closer.

Do you see that?

Is it a tank or some new vehicle?

Here's the pic but even closer.

What is that thing...


I was actually pretty sure that it was two trucks or tanks that glitched together, until I drove closer... and the thing shot me. With a cannon.

Definitely a tank.


  1. Spawns on Beta*

  2. Must not be starting from a spawn on Maywar*

  3. Spawns only during day

  4. Spawns only if there is at least 6 vehicles in the convoy*

  5. Spawns roughly at a chance of 1/27ish from current tests

  6. Spawn location varies, but either at Windmill Farm or Worker's Village*

  7. Has never spawned two of the new vehicles together yet

  8. Could also be spawned from either the Krakabola convoy, other map designations, but not confirmed

  9. Will never spawn if there are no AA Tanks (It is possible, if not a rare occurrence, to have a line of trucks without protection)

It is not completely sure if any assumptions with an asterisk are correct. Many things are uncertain about this new vehicle. Further spawning and encountering test must be made to be confident of the results.

More photos of the occurrence:


From recent testing, the actual chance of this occurrence spawning seems to be very low; I'm not sure if it is a bug but I have flown close enough to see that it is indeed a tank, with the same build style as the rest of the convoy. This might be something similar to the Brown Peral, which has textures and is not a normal build. From closer looks it seems to be similar to a T-90's shape, just without the back fuel barrels.

It drives at the same rate as the convoy, so it is not an normal AI plane. From the top three and the bottom two pictures, the convoy has shifted. The fifth picture was taken at Pharaoh's Gardens, and the sixth at Worker's village. I tried to get closer, and I was shot by the tank and the AA Tanks. I have not encountered it again since.

Drake had some better luck and at about the 29th or so try it spawned near the windmills. His pictures are the fourth, seventh and eighth ones. His convoy started out in two rows for some reason, but shifted back into place as you can see in the eighth picture. He used his drone in to try to spy on the convoy except he also was shot by the AA Tanks. (We were on a MP server so as you can see the pictures are different because of level quality)

Again, this may be a bug or a special easter egg, so don't waste too much time searching for it. It may not appear. There may be special times or chances that it spawns, and maybe you have to paradrop onto a convoy. I do not know. I have only seen this convoy vehicle once, so all of the photos here are taken of the same convoy. No one is sure what it is, so if you're lucky you may encounter it. But searching for it is probably not a good idea anyway. That's my advice. And... well... it has a cannon.

If you do want to find it, just fly close to the convoy. If it acts aggressive then the tank is probably there.

Convoys with tanks found:

"Single AA Tank" (Featured in the first five pictures) - Sighted by officialryanyang

"Armada" (Featured in the fourth, seventh and eighth picture) - Sighted by Drake

"[UNNAMED]" (Not featured yet) - Sighted by ""

Devs and Mods- if you're reading this, is this "tank" a new part of the game?

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    1,040 MSLITecnik

    although its name is AA tank but is not specially i only saw 3 tanks then 9 trucks so i dont really think its rare because i saw it at times of 9 - 12 ( Spawn time ) then 5 - 6 ( Despawn Time ) ingame

    2 months ago
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    1,040 MSLITecnik

    also it doesnt attack its friendly while i bombed the Missile tank

    2 months ago
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    1,040 MSLITecnik

    guys i spotted it with bus its isnt a AA tank but a missile tank and some trucks carrying army so i guess their always checking the island and just suddenly dissapears when its done checking like what the

    2 months ago
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    Eu posso fazer um tanque médio para você conseguir ir e ver oque é esse tanque

    one year ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @Iliketoflyfastandlow It generated naturally, no player action is required.

    1.6 years ago
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    wait how do you spawn a convoy in Maywar?

    1.7 years ago
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    Looks like a humvee or a tank

    1.8 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Fake clickbait or not, I absolutely love this

    2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    December 23rd, 2022.
    Dear diary,
    During my search for a plane I faintly remember, a plane which tracks Yeager convoy... I came across something incredible. Something... fantastic. A SimplePlanes mythbusting scene. I didn't know it was real, no, I never would've thought... but here it was, right in front of my eyes. As a fan of video game myth and plausible-creepypasta, I will forever cherish this finding.

    Now, I have to find the convoy tracker...

    2.2 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @Readmelt it turns out the new tank was a fake, just a clickbait forums post someone made

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    I don't know this is fake or real,but its look like a Abrams and Convoy truck from Convoy Assault mission,i hope Jundroo add this new tank (without Track 2 Mod :v),sorry for bad english because i was from Indonesia :v

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @ThomasRoderick I dunno. The original post maker said it’s a T-90.

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @WereOutOfNamesArentWe Really? Guess they didn’t like their post being fake lol.

    4.5 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @WereOutOfNamesArentWe Yep

    4.5 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @BagelPlane Yeah me too, but who knows, maybe in a future update we'll get one. Let's submit a user voice about it or something and hope.

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @BMilan Yeah, kind of sad. I was hoping for a new tank.

    4.5 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    It's fake, WNP78 confirmed it.

    4.5 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Use a glitch to make your aircraft seem "critically damaged" (try shooting a glass fuelslage with a minigun)
    And use spiritusraptor's convoy hunter to grab the tank

    4.5 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    make a claw thingy that grabs it if you can find it lol

    4.5 years ago
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    @BagelPlane Considering the lore of the game itself, the "secret ultimate weapon" of Yeager, according to the convoy assault mission description might be this mysterious piece of technology.

    4.5 years ago
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    @BagelPlane Well, I hope it is a new addition to the game.

    4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @metaphysicalgnome Plus, I don't think its a lag victim due to the fact that multiple people have now seen it.

    4.5 years ago
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    @BagelPlane Great.

    4.5 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    @metaphysicalgnome I would, but I haven’t found one yet.

    4.5 years ago
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    @BagelPlane Do the missile thing on it, and check if it is a real thing, and not some lag victim.

    4.5 years ago
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