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Bringer Of Chaos, Bringer Of Death. (teaser!)

126k AWESOMENESS360  4.4 years ago

So yeah, the XFWB-DCLXVI “World Ender” is pretty damn big, with a 1,200ft wingspan, it dwarfs even the Antonov AN-225 Myria, along with every other aircraft it meets.

Up until now.

You see, the XFWB-DCLXVI on it’s own is a real force to be reckoned with, there’s almost no chance for any fighter aircraft to win if they choose to go up against the XFWB on their own. However, a full squadron of aircraft would definitely have a slight upper hand going against the XFWB, as they’re faster, more maneuverable, and can overwhelm the XFWB if they play it safe, and take caution while attacking. But what if they had more than just the XFWB to worry about? What about other fighter aircraft, such as a HellFox?

Now, the HellFox could obliterate an entire airforce if it needed to, as infinite rapid-fire missiles via MMT, infinite rounds in both a 20mm, and a 30mm, 3,000+ mph top speed, terrifying maneuverability, and a plasma spear that can tear through solid tungsten, would make quick work of any amount of 5th gen. Fighter Aircraft like the F-22.

The thing is though, how would the HellFox get there to help the XFWB? Even with 3,000+ mph, the XFWB takes long distance trips to its target, and it would be a few minutes before the HellFox arrived, but a few minutes is sometimes all it takes for disaster to strike. So we thought, why not bring the HellFox along with the XFWB?
An aircraft carrier could do this job easily, but aircraft carriers are slow, and are generally small in comparison to something like the XFWB.

Obviously, the only feasible solution is to create a flying aircraft carrier that dwarfs even the XFWB, and takes off/lands on the ocean. Because why not.

Say hello to the XFWAC-DCCLXXVII “God Carrier”.
We bring our kindest regards.

Just like “XFWB” stands for “Experimental Flying Wing Bomber”, “XFWAC” stands for “Experimental Flying Wing Aircraft Carrier”. In order for allied aircraft to identify these massive flying wings from long distance, the bombers have red-tips, and the carriers have blue-tips.

For anyone wondering, just like the XFWB, the XFWAC would most certainly have a few meters of armor in order to protect it from missile impacts, or even last minute desperation kamikazies. (Or accidental kamikazies, although I have no clue how anything would “accidentally” kamikaze into something larger than a city block)

The normal procedure with this aircraft would be to allow it’s friends to land on her while stopped in a large body of water, and then, once in the air, these aircraft would then be able to take off from the XFWAC with comical ease. It would not be recommended to land on the XFWAC while in the air, as turbulence could end up knocking you off course, and since the stall speed of her aircraft is usually slower than the cruising speed of herself. Still, that doesn’t mean a landing aircraft can’t just match the speed of the XFWAC, and touch down on the runway as if they were a VTOL aircraft.

Once on the XFWAC, you would simply taxi your way to a hangar, and stay put until ready to be deployed again. The small hangars can hold about 10 HellFoxen, (HellFoxes? HellFoxen? What would the plural of HellFox be?) and the large hangar is made to hold, well, larger military aircraft, such as a couple AC-130 Gunships, or even a B-52 Stratofortress. It’s even possible for an XFWB to land on the XFWAC, it’d just be completely unnecessary and impractical, and only a demonstration of utter ridiculousness.

Anyway, I’ve been monologging for a while now, I think I’ve said enough. Comment “T” to be tagged if/when I post this, and have a great day.

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    41.9k Ren

    Lol. I wish I could spotlight the plane. It looks really nice.

    4.4 years ago
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    @KnightOfRen I actually tried uploading it yesterday, but it kept crashing every time for some reason, even though I can run it at a perfect 60fps. Idk, maybe I’ll try again later, but even then I always kinda wait a while after the teaser to make sure it gets the most attention possible, but that doesn’t seem to have happened with this teaser lol

    4.4 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    Hey where is it?

    4.4 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 Aw.. Well, if you do get one, you should totally play it.

    4.4 years ago
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    4.4 years ago
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    @AzureCorp I just checked it out, and it looks incredible, but I can’t play it since I use mobile. Maybe someday if I have a PC I’ll refer back to this comment and try again.

    4.4 years ago
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    Oh and since you like roblox, You should try Neo Warfare X. It’s like one of the best aircraft games in roblox. If you need help, hit me up in my discord.

    4.4 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 and so a rivalry begins, lasting multiple generations

    4.4 years ago
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    @AzureCorp we’ll see about that.

    4.4 years ago
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    60.5k BMilan


    4.4 years ago
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    oh i have a project coming that will overwhelm it >:)))

    4.4 years ago
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    24.4k BagelPlane

    Glad you figured out the pylon troubles.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    WHOA!!! T T T T T T T T!!!!!!

    4.4 years ago