I just made something I find amazing.
Are you guys, too, annoyed by this ?
Yeah, I know, right. This default "new" airplane is old, blocky, not up-to-date anymore. To make it short, nobody likes it, except the SP beginners that need to learn to build with blocks.
But don't worry, I found a solution !!!
I made this a while ago :
It's a universal base I created to make custom weapons. O drag, 0 mass, no collisions, both on the cockpit and the detacher.
They're also scaled down : 0.1,0.1,0.05
for the cockpit and 0.2,0.1,0.2
for the detacher.
Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I found a way to make it the new default new build !!!
Here's the list of colors I used and what they correspond to : (suited for my Super-Mystère B2):
<Material color="969696" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="E7EDFF" r="0.3" m="1" s="1" />
<Material color="FF0000" r="0" m="0.3" s="0.6" />
<Material color="FFFFFF" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="0028A2" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />
<Material color="0B0B0B" r="0" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="FFFFFF" r="0" m="0" s="0" />
<Material color="00FF00" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.84" />
<Material color="FFBF00" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="222E00" r="0" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="7F7F7F" r="0.3" m="1" s="0.94" />
<Material color="979797" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="393939" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="E2C67C" r="0" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="2E0B00" r="0" m="0.86" s="0.34" />
<Material color="000000" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />
<Material color="FFFFFF" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />
<Material color="1E1E1E" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />
<Material color="D0D0D0" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" />
<Material color="613A15" r="0" m="1" s="0.6" />
<Material color="00FF00" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.84" />
<Material color="460000" r="0.3" m="0.3" s="0" />
<Material color="EBC8B2" r="0.15" m="0.5" s="0.7" />
<Material color="2E2200" r="0" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="3A3A3A" r="0" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="B5A642" r="0.3" m="0.5" s="0.84" />
<Material color="A6E1FF" r="0.3" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
<Material color="8000FF" r="0.3" m="0.64" s="0.08" />
//fuselage main paint (aluminium)
//glass/plexiglass paint (sky blue, mirror finish)
//flashy red (roundels, insignas, markings)
//semi-gloss white (missiles, lights, roundels, insignas, markings)
//bleu foncé (roundels, insignas, markings)
//really dark grey (tires, cockpit)
//flat white
//slime green (building, nav. lights)
//slightly orange-ish yellow
//olive green
//mirror grey (pistons)
//light aluminium (landing gear legs)
//slightly dark grey (guns, antennas, seat, missiles)
//structural beige
//bordeaux/brown (rockets, missiles)
// # black (default color)
// # white (default color)
// # dark grey (default color)
// # light grey (default color)
//slime green
//bordeaux (ejection seat)
//skin (pilot)
//olive (T10 rockets warhead)
//grey (T10 rockets body)
//blue sky (artificial horizon)
//purple (building)
Also, here's a link to downlaod directly the XML file. Be sure to REPLACE the one with the same name in the AircraftDesigns
folder of your device.
To conclude :
The perfect starter pack for both vehicles and subassedmblies such as custom weapons.
You can decide to keep or throw away the detacher... Whatever you'll do, it'll save you time like you can't imagine.
Remember kids :
You can download the file [here].
Also save it as
yes, true
@JeskoGoesVROOM that's what I came up with this solution. Feel free to get rid of the detacher, there will only be a cockpit left.
they should just make it so that the build that gets loaded in when "new aircraft" button press is confirmed, is just a singular cockpit block and nothing else. my brittle and fragile fingers struggle to get rid of the bottom 2 blocks.
@WarHawk95 hook is realistic bro, and cannons ARE bad yes
@MrEarth first, b a d paint scheme for the AIM-9Bs
b a d cannons
The rest is nice, except maybe the arresting hook that should go forward when deploying
@WarHawk95 Ooo, what do you think of it?
@QuitePossiblyMangled thanks for this well made analysis.
@X4JB People using clickbait titles on forum! Oh no, if only the title wasn't the only way to get people to click on your post. Also, the title GAME BREAKING is subjective, meaning it's based on the opinion of the reader. While it may not be game breaking to you, it may be game breaking to another. Warhawk's title also does not promise the reader something that isn't in the forum. It was not designed to mislead the reader, but to grab their attention. It is a common marketing strategy in real life, as seen with the titles of new articles.
@rexrexThezion or just regular builds, as you want.
so it's a thing to make custom weapons faster
@MrEarth lmao
I eventually found the time to try it today so it was there at the moment I took the screenshots
Thanks for using the tiger at an unnecessary interval
I don’t see what’s wrong, the title is technically correct and it’s not like your life is ruined because you clicked on this forum@X4JB
@X4JB I guess yes. Have a problem with that ?
I'm just trying to make people see this forum.
@WarHawk95 oh so just because others do it, it's fine for you to do it as well?
@X4JB yes. I don't really like that either but sadly it's the only way for people to see the forum.
Isn't that what almost all visible forums have in common ? A short, clickbait title ?
@WarHawk95 you are literally clickbaiting and you are aware of it
@X4JB I mean I honestly find this game breaking in the way that I thought it was impossible to change this.
But the way I said it in the title is mostly to be more visible.
Also ou say "I thought better of you tbh." What do you really tought and think of me ? What did I do wrong, except showing my discovery here ?
@WarHawk95 At least you admit it. I thought better of you tbh. You can still change the title.
@X4JB well, to be honest, I had to find a way for people to see this forum. And clickbait titles always work....
I don't really care about upvotes since they make you earn 2 points, but I know a lot of people would need this trick so I have to make it visible.
@SuperMeteor thanks !
@WarHawk95 It might save you a few minutes, but that really isn't [GAME BREAKING], I'm sorry
Kind of a nuisance but something quite minor to even worry about, still it's nice that you show some of us the extra bits we could tamper with in SP. Much appreciated.