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[BUG] The NEW "Wing Landing Gear (Bare)" .... Won't Attach to a Wing

4,364 Formula350  3.4 years ago

Alright, apparently this was only intended to be connected to fuselage parts, for wings we've skinned (or as the info text says "covered"). So having Wing in its name is a slight misnomer, IMHO.

Either this is a bug, or there's some hidden prerequisite that isn't being met by the Wing I'm using...

The ONLY Wing I managed to get it to attach to, was the "Horizontal Stabilizer" (Wing-3), and only then, to its Root or Tip attachment points...
And I mean specifically that part, which is incredibly weird considering the "Primary Wing" part is _also* a Wing-3 part. Even when it's at the same-exact-spot as the Horizontal Stabilizer, the new Wing Landing Gear will not snap-to or turn green.

I've tried all different angles with the camera, but it absolutely refuses to attach.
It WILL attach to Fuselage though... -_- Which makes me feel like an Attachment Whitelist or Blacklist from one of the twin-wheel stowed version (Wheel-2, Wheel-3, or Wheel-5) was erroneously copied over to this one, instead of from the the other Wing Gear.

1) Place a Primary Wing or Structural Wing
2) Grab the old Wing Landing Gear and try to place it on the wing
3) Remove that gear's Attachment from the wing and delete it
4) Grab the new Wing Landing Gear (Bare) and try to place it on the wing
----FAIL; at least for me...
5) Grab the Horizontal Stabilizer
6) Try to place New Wing Gear to it
----PARTIAL SUCCESS; with effort, it may snap to Root or Tip Attachment points.
7) Disconnect Gear if you attached it
7) Place a Fuselage
8) Try to place New Wing Gear onto Fuselage

SP version: 1.11.106
Windows 10
(even restarted SP to make sure)
Build attempting this with: Twin Prop (the new model) and with new Wing parts fresh from the Parts Menu.

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    4,364 Formula350

    do it by placing the [INSERT PART] on the [INSERT LOCATION] and nudging [SAID PART] to wherever you want it to be

    "This is the way..." Creed of Clan Death Watch; a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away.

    lol But yea, that really IS the "way" with Simple Planes, and honestly my only 'grief' with that fact is that it technically contradicts the game's name and that it's not "Simple" at that point.
    NOW... don't get me wrong! I have no qualms with manually doing all that sort of stuff, but if you have to jump through too many hoops in order to get there, it just becomes another eye-roll aspect for long time players heh For new players who lack that know, of how to make stuff work like you need it, then it's frustrating.
    In other words...
    Games like this with lots of capability need to, first and foremost, have parts that Just Work. and don't need futzing with or leave you fumbling around to get it to do what's needed (see: what's expected); things must be intuitive for base level/new players.
    The v1.11 update IS awesome, and while it may seem like I'm doing lots of "complaining", that's only because there's no contrasting statements from me that praise it. Such is the case with most stuff, sadly. We oft do not share the "good", because we're too busy enjoying doing it to want to take time to come and leave that feedback. Alas, when there is a hiccup -- aka the "bad" -- then we almost feel obligated to share that, not just in the hopes it can be fixed/changed, but also to let others know so they can know what to expect. :P
    So I do sincerely apologize to the Devs, and also the community (since you have to deal with my posts too lol) for what may seem like "constant complaining" from me.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    not really a bug... just for some reason, it says wing gear but can only be put on a fuselage

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    You can kind of do it by placing the gear on the main fuselage and nudging the gear to wherever you want it to be on the wing.

    3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    @BobDaBilder123 Hmpf. :\
    Here I thought it was implying that the gear itself lacked the wheel covering, hence being labeled as "Bare". As in we would need to design a 'custom covering' (as it mentions in its Info Text) to shroud it.
    Still, a bit weird that it DOES snap to the Horizontal Stabilizer on it's Root and Tip. heh (regardless of whether said stabilizer wing is connected to anything)
    Either way, thanks for that insight! I had gotten into such a "Must. Try. All. New. Parts!" mode that I hadn't caught on that is was intended to be used on wings we've skinned. Guess I'll have to add a new suggestion to my mega-post, too add a means of allowing us to override the "Approve Part Connections" lists. (Dunno how to handle it on Mobile, but on Windows the CTRL+Drag Part would work since holding control currently causes it to release the part we're moving for whatever reason.)

    3.4 years ago
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    5,785 XiliamXD


    3.4 years ago
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    It’s designed to attach to fuselage-covered wings, not the wings themselves

    +1 3.4 years ago