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[MOD REQUEST - FULFILLED!] Anyone able/willing to make an "Auto-Save" mod??

4,347 Formula350  3.2 years ago


hpgbproductions did it, that crazy son of.... errr... super awesome person actually did it!!! lol
Mod is available here for PC/Mac download/ (mobile can't have mods, but also they don't actually need this one due to it already auto-saving any time the on screen keyboard is used.)

Long story short: Unity powered games -- like Simple Planes -- have a tendency to crash on my system, not often, but occasionally, and enough that games that I can modify the Auto-Save Time interval, I make a point of doing so....

SP lacks a user-accessible setting that I'm aware of, and there aren't any mods for SP that offer access to any underlying Unity auto-save system, either.

Pair that with the fact that there's now WAY TOO MANY VANILLA ACTIONS that do not trigger Auto-Saving, nevermind also don't apply their actions to the Undo History (but that's an annoyance auto-save can't solve), and you're left with a recipe for major frustrations! :(

10 minutes elapsed while I was working with Labels and Nudging (both Vanilla Nudge, and Fine Tuner Mod), but no Auto Save occurred and then the game crashed. That was 10 minutes of monotonous trial and error work to get the right rotations and character spacing, to get properly align those 3 Labels (Decals, technically), which I'll have to do over again and hope I can get it as perfect as I had just finally managed to >_<

I don't know if there's an API hook available, or if some creative thinking would have to be used to accomplish triggering the Auto-Saving feature?
I THOUGHT that using the vanilla Nudge did, but I guess it only applies to the Undo History. I know alt-tabbing will, or at least the console output indicates it. I know loading your build into the world does, and presumably exiting to the main menu, but all of those are quite intrusive methods...

Either way, I don't know how much work it'd require to cook up such a mod, but I'd be willing to PayPal $10USD to someone that could add that, with a basic configuration setting to define the time interval between saves (preferably using Minutes, instead of Seconds). Even if it was done through an .xml in the ModSettings folder, that's sufficient for me (albeit, in-game would be nicer).

Back to the grind I go!

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    @Formula350 no thanks, i kind of make mods for fun/myself
    Also i don't have paypal

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @hpgbproductions Just saw, and grabbed, the mod.
    Thank you!
    I'm also here to make good on my offer to buy ya beer/coffee/lunch (ie $10USD). You can mention me or I can mention you in an Unlisted upload, to send me your PayPal address (which we can delete said upload afterwards to, ensure privacy).
    Either way, I'm very grateful! :)

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @Gestour I thought, technically speaking, someone recently (maybe Kenneth) had figured out that they could still release them for Android by using older tools?
    I seem to recall reading that in the comments on one of that person's mod's page.
    Granted, this was during v1.10, and the switch to a newer built of Unity might've rendered their method unworkable...

    3.2 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Mmm yes we can totally use mods @Pyrrha

    3.2 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    @Pyrrha How are you going to use a mod on mobile? XD

    3.2 years ago
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    51.7k PyrrhaNikos

    For those who's going to say Cyrl+S in the comment
    Some of us are on mobile

    3.2 years ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    Whenever I make the smallest change to any piece of work (not just SP), I Ctrl+S

    3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @hpgbproductions YAY
    Am many exite!
    Now to wait patiently :D

    3.2 years ago
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    That would actually be nice

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    "Auto-save" (saving to __editor__.xml) currently only occurs when application focus changes away from SP (so alt tab, etc), or when exiting the designer. This would be a fairly simple mod to implement for anyone familiar with C# Reflection.
    Edit: just saw the comment below too. Presume they're just thinking of calling OnApplicationPause on DesignerScript, which is probably the easy route.

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    Good news, there's an easy built-in way to call the designer function, which writes to __editor__.xml, so guess I'll make it
    If on Android, the game also autosaves to __editor__.xml every time the screen keyboard is opened or closed, which is very nice and won't need a mod

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    4,347 Formula350

    @MintLynx That's what I (try to) do, it's just, sometimes you get in the zone, ya know? :( heh
    I call it "Builder's Vision" for sandbox games like this. Happened to plenty of us, back when I ran a Minecraft server, and we'd be constructing new areas for the players, but would totally forget to monitor the kiddos in chat... :} (The aqua-blue admin chat thankfully became a visual trigger, most of the time, as even then I'd be too zoned in to notice it! lol)

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    For a quicker save you could always do control+S, but an Auto save that has an adjustable timer could be good mod for sure.

    +2 3.2 years ago