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I feel I was scammed and would like some type of retribution for my financial inconvenience.

4 Robdisco  3.1 years ago

There was no Warnings or and indication that the base version of the game has v.r ( My logic tells me that if a game has a v.r version that there ISA NO VR IN THE BASE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or there would not be a v.r version. I am very very poor..... I bet you could not even fathom through just the words i convey so I really shouldn't have to indicate on how hard it was for me to get the money on a card to even purchase the game BUT! Through all adversity and the freakin turmoil that i had to endure to BUT THE GAME AND GIVE YOU MONEY!!
Wait there was a problem, there were 2 versions. The big brain said told me that most Aeronautics games are v.r from the base, but my big big brain told me Don't be a Dumbass this is all the money you have and to get money you have to do .........ugggggg work!!! and ohhh how i detest physicals labor for a meegar depressing amount for an astronomical amount of work that's well in the triple digits. Well if you didn't know from the boot on ground that people are taking advantage of the fact that people are desperate in these times we live in and to not advertise that both games have v.r is a deceiving practice for you to get your customers to buy both versions of your game to find out that both games have the same content except one version doesn't have non vr which is the second game on this particular genre so i have a copy that i will never play why would you not indicate this in a manner in which can be noticed by and and all it doesn't even have the vr indicator on the ad on steam which is very deceptive so in return I would like a copy of a game I do not have like the simple rockets game to compensate for this mishap and I would like to iterate that I am a new and beginning youtuber looking for content at all times please let this be a good ending because I defiantly have a strong argument that I bet hordes will agree on considering the times we live in and any positive painting of a company as a whole is better than to be placed in the same categories as say as big pharma or other big brother types getting over on the giga poor side of society when you can be helpful to those who are less fortunate Thank you ......I guess

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    @Korzalerke2147483647 NIBBA YOU FOR REAL

    1.7 years ago
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    4,847 OpenHere

    🗿I have no words to describe

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1.7 years ago
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    I've saved this page on the Internet Archive, just doing my part for the preservation of history.

    1.7 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Robdisco multiple skill issue im guessing?

    2.2 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    cry about it

    2.4 years ago
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    30.7k Zero0Two2

    @Robdisco bro got ratio'd

    2.4 years ago
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    2.4 years ago
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    @Robdisco i almost got killed and i have looked myselft at the mirror almost every day

    2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    5 months later, still just as hilarious.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Glad this post is still up, no comedian will ever be as good as Robdisco.

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    Literally the other day I brought a sugar free Mountain Dew from a vending machine. I didn’t go to the internet and demand a refund for my drink. The point is that you need to pay more attention, especially when buying stuff. You shouldn’t assume something and then get mad that you assumed wrong.

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    And I am sure you don’t need a PC with36 core Xidax Andromeda with the rainbow platinum rgb and a 2440 49 inch curved 100 ghz refresh rate to run SP , all you need is a phone

    3.1 years ago
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    sounds like skill issue @Robdisco

    3.1 years ago
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    40.4k Typhoon03
    1. The marketing isn't deceptive, one is literally called SPVR and one just SP.
    2. I'm not a troll, I'm just trying to understand what you're saying through your shocking grammar.
    3. If you are so poor, why are you buying video games? I don't know how we are "sad trolls" with "no life", when you prioritise games over food.
    4. I'm not a scammer, and have never been to either an Internet cafe or Pakistan.
    5. I was Steam-gifted the game from my friend, I didn't steal it.
    6. I have never watched manga.
    7. Probably a load of other points I can't be bothered to list because I have a life.
    +4 3.1 years ago
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    Well you all are right im to poor to afford anything ha ha you got it right on the head there haa too poor yep well like i was saying to the devs and not the sad Simple Planes troll network who operates in the shadows to make up the famous hacker group Anonymous hacker elite's like its the simple planes forum lol 🤔🙄 i mean the personification for not having a literal life with the personal attributes of a chalk board eraser i noticed that the lot of you came in here as a team MAN if you think asking for you money back when you bout the same game under a cash grab guise is poor then so be ill be what you trolls want me to be, But you have to look in the mirror and contemplate why you were on a simple planes forum trolling a guy asking for compensation for buying the same game lol atleast i bought it unlike you trolls and Utorrent and the steam.dll replacement just saying at least im not the oddball troll whole stole the game he clowning other about and being the "oh stop.... so you bought 2 copy's its simple planes sheesh" You freakin internet cafe paki scammer you stole the game, but really though you gotta look in the mirror and ask yourself why you would troll a random guy on a simple planes forum? "Oh look at me i stole the game and get 10 fps. But i troll the other guy who isnt rich to mask that im actually on my account at a friends house but i do this to make me feel better about my lame existence and the fact my dad beats us then makes us do bother and sister porn and sells it to porn sites and oh yea i dont get alot of money no I'm sorry I don't live in the Burj Khalifa with a 36 core Xidax Andromeda with the rainbow platinum rgb and a 2440 49 inch curved 100 ghz refresh rate but instead i paid less than 800 for a 16 core i-9 asus mother board with 3 pci express slots and s spot for dual graphics cards or memory and lil cheap 1660 super you see i build cheap p.cs for my clients. But cause thats what i do dont mean that i want to buy the same game 2 times with deceptive marketing it a bad time in the economy for my side of the demographic and if im poor im poor so? the ones that are actually talking shyt, this is the only Rec. you get outside beating you dick and wishing your fav manga crush was a real boy you weeb ass lame wouldnt bust a grape in a fruit fight ass LOOK IN THE MIRROR YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT I WOUD HAVE NEVER RESPONDED BUT THEN I THOUGH IRL WOULD YOU LET THEESE WASTED NUT DROPPING JUST THINK THEY GETTIN OFF......HELL NO LOOK UP

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    @rexzion bro needs some skill

    3.1 years ago
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    Who lives a house under a bridge?

    +5 3.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    too poor to afford pipleplanes ono

    +3 3.1 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    @TriStar Indeed.
    Even people with “normal” eye sight may not see the same colors. Your blue may not be what I see as blue.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    but to them they arent colorblind then @X99STRIKER

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    978 Jackrei

    This isn't real right? This is like a 2nd grader explaining how a chocolate cake tastes like chicken, also, somebody call an ambulance as im having a stroke

    +3 3.1 years ago
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    @Gestour If you don't want a response don't post something publicly

    +3 3.1 years ago
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    @Astro12 Well yeah you can just learn, but if you haven't then you're not gonna be good at it

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    @asteroidbook345 Have you tried out that new mod yet? XD

    +1 3.1 years ago
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