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Rotator Physics sux

258 CorporalWojak  2.1 years ago

like seriously, why?

i once tried to make a Gau-8/A Cannon for an A-10 build i wish to modify to my liking, so in order to make the Barrels rotate, i used a large rotator and set it to rotate whenever i fire the Cannon.

the half funny and fully annoying problem is that when its too fast, the whole aircraft rotates.

i sacrificed one penny to the wish fountain for a wish of seeing this fixed next update.

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    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @hpgbproductions exactly, all of the parts, even the rotator had zero mass and drag, calculate drag also set to false, nothing changes, it kinda annoys me lol

    2.1 years ago
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    Luckily, they suck consistently, so you can put another rotator that rotates parts in the opposite direction
    The strange thing is that rotators produce torque even if they rotate parts with no mass

    +2 2.1 years ago