@RepublicOfCursedPlanes the comments were removed/disabled because it was getting too political
Speaking of the 'spy balloon' replicas, almost all of them are still up, albeit with the comments disabled. There's still one with the comments section still up, but we don't know what will happen later.
Update: There is also a replica on the Juno/SR2 website, and again, the comments are also still intact
Why shouldn't I check on a post from 1.4 years ago?
@TASTEinc oh ok cool
another one has been spotted off Hawaii
@Magnavox20MS233S No
@asteroidbook345 yes you need to agree to the restraining order
@Magnavox20MS233S Do I need a reason?
@asteroidbook345 because your spying on me for no reason
@Magnavox20MS233S Because I can
@asteroidbook345 why on earth are you checking a post from 15 days ago
@Magnavox20MS233S Mfw an event happens and is immediately labeled political
Hell yeah man! @FirstFish83828
@Dathcha Nope, somehow we did. God bless Murica bruther
@Inuyasha8215 clicky
@Inuyasha8215 read the rules bozo no politics allowed
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes the comments were removed/disabled because it was getting too political
Speaking of the 'spy balloon' replicas, almost all of them are still up, albeit with the comments disabled. There's still one with the comments section still up, but we don't know what will happen later.
Update: There is also a replica on the Juno/SR2 website, and again, the comments are also still intact
No way we used a f-22 to shoot down a balloon @hpgbproductions
To celebrate the F-22's first real air to air kill
For some reason all forum posts/comments regarding this have been removed
Because a chinese spy balloon have been shot down a few days ago over the us