Theoretically, you can achieve the platinum rank without posting any builds, yes. However, if you theoretically don't buy the game I can't see what you would care about theoretically getting platinum for, if you theoretically weren't posting anything.
Here is every website rank with the points required for it
Bronze: 100
Silver: 1000
Gold: 5000
Platinum: 25000
Jade: curation staff only
Almadine: moderation staff only
Grandiderite: jundroo developers only
@Lostpurse yes you can get jet black without playing, but it will take ya like 10+ years to do so
might wanna study the website (and english) more.
@Nerfaddict either trynna get platinum without playing... or through piracy....
Theoretically, you can achieve the platinum rank without posting any builds, yes. However, if you theoretically don't buy the game I can't see what you would care about theoretically getting platinum for, if you theoretically weren't posting anything.
can you get points from the forums? if so the in theor you can get jet black
I don't know what you mean by that