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5,577 Korzalerke2147483647  1.9 years ago

Hey guys I just wanted to quickly say some things:

Firstly, I will no longer be doing the dumb "I'm really leaving forever now trust me guys" comments, from now on expect constant activity from me here and frequent high-quality airplane uploads, so no more crappy block planes made in 15 minutes like the ones I sometimes made on my old account.

Some less uplifting news are that unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get the money to pay the actors for the SimplePlanes Movie yet. Hopefully I'll be able to figure something out before they see this post and reconsider being a part of it, but due to this problem it'll be delayed to early 2024. My apologies for the inconvenience.

That's all for now, I wish y'all a nice april fools day lol

— DeveloperKorzalerke