So. I lost 2 tablets. I also lost a 3 terabyte hard drive that cost like 3k. I ended up with one more hard drive thinking it would be fine. Yesterday proved it wouldn't be fine. The last hard drive, a 500 gigabyte one, decided to die along with its 3 TB friend. My computers Operating System is on that hard drive. It's gone. Am I going to get a new one I don't know. I have too much shit that I want to keep on that drive. And it's gone now. It might be possible to recover it, but I highly doubt it. War Thunder of course that's saved with an account, Simple Planes? I don't know I had stuff from before the 3 terabyte drive broke and I think Steam saves it anyway. City Skylines? I hope. I just achieved a 50k in one city and started a pretty decent one (over 20k within the first day). Anyway, for the people who know more than I do about electronics here's a quick rundown of what happened:
It's around 10 pm, I'm calmly playing War Thunder, had a pretty nice position with my glorious T-54. And then at random, my pc just, shuts off. At random. I said, oh well I'll just leave. I go to take a shower, and as I'm passing by I realize my computer is on for absolutely no reason. Then it shuts off. Then it turns on again. And then it turns off. Aaaand repeat. It brought me to the BIOS system thing or whatever its called idk lol, and so I just ask my dad "Hey can you help me with this plz?"
He managed to get it to not fade in and out. And I just left it until today. I come back home from school, and decide to turn it on and check if the fans were working (just incase it's somehow overheating) They worked fine. Then it just shuts off and on. It does the same exact thing as before, and then finally it seems to go back to normal. So just to make it stop I try to sign in to shut if off. As it's signing me in it shuts off. Back to fading in and out it went. Tired of the bullshit, I simply said "fuck it" and slapped the power supply. As of now, it cannot turn on. The power supply is currently off. I'd rather not make it worse. My guess is just get a new hard drive (preferably 4, I can use 3 of them and keep one as a spare) and since I think I can afford this with my own money, I might be fine? Anyway, mods, I'm sorry about the wording. As you can probably tell I am not very happy about this. The first one cost 3,000 dollars and the 500 was like idk 200-500?
If its not that and I'm just thinking it's like a early WWII situation when everyone thought it'd be a repeat of the first one, please tell me.
Since he became big sad, @Dalyo was the one who told me just slap the power supply, don't make it worse, the hard drive is probably broken
@XtarsAgency meaning that the repulsion device capable of repulsing other repulsion which is capable repulsing other repulsion devices can repulse the repulsion device
@FlirBlitz Repulsion device is a device capable of repulsing anything nearby including its type by repulsing the object nearby the repulsion device, The repulsion device uses a lot of energy and to save energy the repulsion device is designed to repel objects nearby by sensing an object capable of being repelled by the repulsion device. The device knows when to repel because they know there is an object around them that is capable of being repelled, and so, the onboard computing system turns the repulsing device in the repulsion device to repel any object that has been detected to be able to be repelled and nearby the repulsion device, and so the device calculates the amount of time that is needed for the repulsion device to repel the object at miliseconds notice to save up energy and cause incidents. To prevent this the computing system has to calculate the amount of time and force thats needed to repel the object nearby further than the repulsion device can detect. And so thats how the repulsion device able to repel objects nearby at miliseconds notice and prevent agressive energy usage
@XtarsAgency I don't blame you. I was going off my small ass pea brains memory
@FirstLandFish83828 @RAF1 Don't care if you don't read it if you're obviously not worried don't even click on this
I ain’t reading all that, but happy/sorry for you
Lmao, this isn't tech support.