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Jundroo, this is my suggestion for THIS website

15.1k FomahaultCoredemshau  1.6 years ago

Alright, see we have a lot of cool features here but there is one particular problem...

It is NOT possible to see the "Newest" mod if you select either Maps, Parts, Tools and other stuff, only the Highest rated of either the week, month, year or all time. Only you can see the newest mod when there is not Filter

This aint nice, because like i want to particularly look for the Newest Maps mod, not Every type of mods that is just uploaded from either a week or more than a year, and wierdly enough there is no Tag searchers for mods, just the airplanes.

Alright i may get that you guys mostly prioritize plane-uploads on this website but maybe, just maybe we can get almost the same features that we upload airplanes for videos, mods, and maybe Users. Yes that may sound controversial but atleast we can see which user is "hottest"(based on how popular and how much points they get everytime they upload stuff{like count the average point they get everytime})
And a feature to see who is the most followed user, and also the newest users which means we can get to see who just joined sp instead of checking their profile and... I dont think we can scroll and see who's user joined like 2 minutes ago and having to search that for the Zeptillion amount of users in this website

Alright, this is over. I know you guys are working on J:NO and other stuff but no pressure implementing it, it is just a Simple additions to the website.
(This place looks almost the same since 2017[from the wayback machine this thing is basically like this from 2017 except for the android download button{for mods}])

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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes for mods, yes but for airplanes a big no because idk maybe jundroo has some trust issues with players in the past

    1.6 years ago
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    @XtarsAgency but if 2 users collaborate on a build, they should both get the same amount of points. With the successor system, one user gets only half the points of the other’s.
    Also, like the collaboration system for mods, collaborators can only be added by the main poster, which prevents users who only add 1-2 parts from being a collaborator.

    1.6 years ago
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    @ToeTips you said users can collab where users share points for a build; yesh we have successors

    1.6 years ago
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    28.2k ToeTips

    I don't understand the first part

    1.6 years ago
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    @ToeTips NO NOT USERS GIVING AWAY POINTS that could be bad
    But instead mayne we can see who followed us

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes relatable

    1.6 years ago
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    28.2k ToeTips

    Also maybe a way of seeing your followers? Like how can i see someone else's comments but not who is following me? And a collab option for post where the users share the points for a build? Maybe an option to sort out builds by the users rank? It would be easier to better see great builds from smaller users.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @XtarsAgency yeah, the system of build upvotes/hour works.
    Also, the reason I don't see the use of "Newest Maps" is that in a monthly/yearly page, you can see all the mods made in that month/year in a single page. It does get a little annoying when I try to search for stuff from 2 or more years ago, however.

    1.6 years ago
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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes but there is a twist to hottest users: Upvotes/hour If a user are able to get like 5 upvotes per hour and there is a user that does less, like 3 per hour. Most useless builds( i made and i experience what it is) usually gets like either 5 upvotes per hour (Timezone is also a factor to play here) and if some really good builds are made they either get like 34 upvotes per hour or maybe more, considering timezones, user followers, points and successors. It could be a system to play. And maybe also monthly highlights just like how jundroo uploads a new video every month for top user airplanes, instead of videos there is another one which is called hottes-daily and hottest-week and hottest-month there will be no hottest-year because obviously that is too sketchy cuz popular platinums (like 100k ones) would immediately take the rank
    Lets make some equations for this thing so it can work
    (Time is hour)
    Hottest-day {(24×points gained)
    Hottest-week {(168×points gained)/24}
    Hottest-Month {(672×points gained)/12}
    Hottest-year {e^iπ}
    But points gained from Videos or anything that is not related to points gained from airplanes will not be counted, because forums, mods, videos are varying, can be either memorial, cinematics, or stuff that maybe off topic for example My dog passed away<forum post>
    This post <forum post>
    The rock in sp <video post>
    Because some are topic related and some are off topic so only airplanes were counted

    Other things:
    Newest map mod select: its better than having to see the newest mod and looking which is a map and which is not a map mod. Not really a permanent feature that you are forced to use but just a filter so you can sort things easier a.k.a Navigation purposes

    1: dog
    3: video schibeposts
    Alright, reply if there is something wrong. But if you are not from Indonesia, reply at midnight, so upon waking up in the morning i can see the reply

    1.6 years ago
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    1.6 years ago
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    Ok, this would be great, except for one important question (yes I’m pouring cold water again): do we need these?

    • Is there a point in being able to see the newest mods? Unlike airplanes, mods don’t essentially change; you can’t just add new features to a mod because they all run on the same Unity engine. And here’s the thing: “new” doesn’t always equate to “good”. What matters is that you are able to see the highest-rated mods, so that you know which ones are good.

    • Having a “Hottest” user sounds good, but remember, quantity does not equal quality.
      Using the system you mentioned to calculate, if a user posted 3 planes every day with 10 upvotes per build, he would also appear on the ‘Hottest Users’ page! This undermines those who post high-quality builds, but take a month to build them! If this system is implemented, users who are actually good may never appear on the page, because their monthly points aren’t enough to compete with users who post every day!
      And such inequalities in the user base may cause even skilled builders to ask: quality or quantity? Instead of spending time and effort on builds, they may instead mass-post low-quality builds in order to farm points and appear on the “Hottest Users” page! This would be the death of good builds!

    • And lastly, this is meant to be a sandbox game, not a social media platform. I know that in fact, this website is essentially social media, and the reason we are all here is to gain popularity. But I personally think that our passion of building and flying planes should be our main driving factor for being here, and popularity should remain as a side goal.

    Okay, I know that I tend to rant a lot whenever I see something controversial. However, this does not mean that I hate you or anything. I’m just sharing my opinion on the situation, and if you agree with this, feel free to reply. But I’m open to being convinced if you really have violent objections to my stand.

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    7,472 TheCaper

    Yeah, it sounds like a good idea!

    1.6 years ago
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    7,935 Pilotgoose

    The idea sounds nice

    1.6 years ago