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The secrets of tire grip finally solved

15.9k SilverStar  10 months ago

Some months ago, I was modifying a drift car, and was trying to make it with realistic performances. In the XML settings of the Resizeable Wheel, there was the 2 vanilla settings (tractionForward and tractionSideways), and I discovered that there was 4 "hidden" settings, slipForwardExtremum, slipForwardAsymptote, slipSidewaysExtremum, and slipSidewaysAsymptote. With some research I found how tire grip was working, with a curve of the tire traction/grip (coefficient of friction) depending on traction force:

How it is supposed to work : When the Force exceed a certain value (the "peak friction", which is called "extremum" in SP), the tire passes into the "slip zone", where the wheel spin, and you can see that the grip (vertical axis) is reduced.
I tried to tweak this settings in SP but... it doesn't work at all as it should.
Idk what the devs did, but it's kinda broken...
Lately, I done further research, and I succeeded to edit the "extremum" (force needed to pass into the slip zone) and the "asymptote" (traction when the tire is in the slip zone).
So, here is how to edit this settings and what exactly they do:

slipForwardAsymptote: Forward force needed to generate slip sound

slipSidewaysAsymptote: Sideway force needed to generate slip sound

The following is the same for Forward and Sideways:

Increase tractionForward and slipForwardExtremum by the same coefficient: Increase of the traction force when exceeding the extremum (traction force in the "slip" zone)
The opposite gives the opposite result.

Increase the difference between tractionForward and slipForwardExtremum: Decrease of force extremum (force needed to get into the "slip" zone)
The opposite gives the opposite result.

If you want an example of what we can do with that, well, it is possible to make tires that has a great traction on a car with an engine of 200 horsepower, but if I put a 400 horsepower engine, the tires slip and have... zero grip (like the car is not moving).

I think it is a incredible discovery, because it allows to make more realistic tires.
I hope it will help you !

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    59.8k TheMouse

    Yes, I have done this.

    10 months ago
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    1,367 CONSTELA

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 funnily enough, it could spin up to nearly light speed. And even though the engine is only 100hp, if you get the car light enough and dragless. You could theoretically make the fastest car ever

    10 months ago
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    94.0k winterro

    Well, how interesting

    ice skate godzilla?

    +1 10 months ago
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    59.8k TheMouse

    Another thing that I have found, is you can edit the max speed that the tire spins, which can make it appear to have much better grip, if you give the motor a lot of hp.

    10 months ago
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    37.6k V

    Will probably stick this in simplecheats 2 at some point

    10 months ago
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    The four slip values set the x-axis value of the critical point (extremum) and full-sliding point (asymptote). The traction values multiply the y-axis values, iirc the y-axis value of the full-sliding point is always half of the critical point.

    10 months ago
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    29.8k 32

    @SilverStar that is amazingly useful. Thanks.

    +1 10 months ago
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    15.9k SilverStar

    Thanks for your comments and upvotes guys !
    @32 I don't think so, there is no physical or visual effect, it only concerns sound, for this setting

    10 months ago
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    2,014 Numbers2

    @Silverstar congratulations you are now the Albert Einstein of simpleplane car tires!

    10 months ago
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    44.4k rexzion

    the elliptical grip mod enhances these values significantly. just as-is ingame these features are pretty useless because the tire grip model is not complete.

    +2 10 months ago
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    29.8k 32

    Does “generate slip sound” just mean the sound effect, and not the actual slip effect or smoke trail? Could make stuff like vapor cones better.

    10 months ago
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    94.0k winterro


    10 months ago
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    28.5k YarisSedan

    Might Come In Handy Later I Guess?

    10 months ago
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    I have actually seen those 4 settings in the Overload mod, but never knew how they worked, thanks!

    10 months ago