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Users of SP, What Are Trends That Started Getting Hate?

20.5k LM0418  one month ago

Reddit ahh title

For me, it’s the text label trend. When it first came out, it was so innovative and useful, but as time went by, people started hating on it and pro builders started using them less and less in builds. What’s a trend you think died off and got hated?

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    27.2k intruder72

    As someone who is addicted to reddit (unfortunately), i can confirm that the title looks like it was pasted from r/askreddit

    19 days ago
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    add a part and pass it on challenges. been in one and seen a TON and I got to say, they act as a hydra. if you take out one more appear. also the sheer number of them and the fact they are pretty much "point farms" make me want to purge as many as possible.
    PEA, we all know why I said this.
    white ranks making real plane crashes with quality posts. one thing I hate. plus the fact that 90% of the time the aircraft looks horrible with a shit ton of detachers and offset parts make the original post look horrible
    people taking quality builds and making them look horrible with a ton of random spam. seeing a great aircraft just to be spammed with parts all over it make my blood boil.
    platnum player's shitposts. a single one can be sent high into the hottest feed or take over a challenge very quick. also they tend to piss off the community
    Stolen builds. Seeing a great build get stolen always pisses me off

    +3 22 days ago
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    @ShiroNeko that’s probably me fr

    23 days ago
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    The German Corsair trenc

    28 days ago
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    27.3k 126

    @LM0418 why did you erase your bio, and instead replaced it with a cryptic souding "something is coming"?

    one month ago
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    6,026 PlaneSpike


    one month ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    @ShiroNeko the Taylor Swifts of the SP website

    +1 one month ago
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    29.3k ShiroNeko

    Not a trend but the people who acts like celebrities, spamming forums and creating a 'network' of followers that boosts them to Platinum. Platinum used to define some sort of experience (or mastery) of the game but now, you can easily reach it by being overly friendly with everyone, creating a cult of followers tailing them around to anything they post, and mass-tagging them by basically masking them as 'requested' or blatantly just tagging for the upvotes. Another is the fact that the forums section becomes a social-media section of this site. The mentality of people of 'I saw someone do it, then that means it's allowed' is becoming a trend or probably already is one. To top it all off is the recent trend about the build style of players. People thought that pumping out low-part, low-quality, low-effort builds would be equal to the principle of a 'PEA'. The phrase 'oh you're surprised because someone published a low-part plane in 'SimplePlanes and it became successful?' is not an argument, it shows that you lack the understanding of subject. This has been discussed a couple of times so I won't really continue way too deep about this but a low part count does not mean it's efficient.

    +8 one month ago
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    27.3k 126

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE these people make me sick, if you saw one of these, report them.

    +2 one month ago
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    9,201 Transair56


    one month ago
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    36.8k V

    I'm using labels for logos whether you like it or not

    one month ago
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    @126 instead of making these to remind people of these tragic accidents now its just bloody spam and they do it just for the upvotes

    +2 one month ago
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    @126 Luckily, it didn't take long for me to immediately edit the UKD title

    one month ago
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    27.3k 126

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE oh yeah absolutely xd
    these "builds" are just horrible, as expected.

    +2 one month ago
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    remember when people made replicas of flight 191 and 587 by pimping every low part dc10s and a300s they could find with detachers on the stabilizers and the right engine?
    P.S I don't get why some of you are mad at labels, these things helped me make text for customizing/making builds, since text made from fuselage and stuff can take a lot longer and can affect the part count

    +3 one month ago
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    48.7k PlaneFlightX

    @jamesPLANESii yeah I wouldn't use them for decals; I mainly use them for the following:
    - rivets and screws
    - small text on the fuselage, such as registration or the aircraft type
    - absurdly complex cockpit screens
    - the usual text you would expect to find in a cockpit, like labels

    +2 one month ago
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    54.2k BMilan

    What?! Using labels is dying and is being hated?? damn, I still use it a ton, it's one of the most useful parts for partcount saving (I'm pretty sure some of my latest ships would be double the partcount if I had to manually build all the things that I solved with just a few labels).

    The PEA trend was a bit annoying after a while, but it seems to be dying down now, I see fewer and fewer of them. The idea itself would have been great, to promote efficient part use, but it was just terribly misused by the majority of the players (respect to the exception) because most people werent actually building efficient builds under PEA, they just made low part, low detail stuff with no effort put into actually efficent part use. Most of them were just what we used to call "mobile-friendly" but now branded as PEA.

    Another trend that was really annoying was when all those "add a part (or parts) and pass on" posts were blowing up. They flooded the website and were very spammy.

    The Andrew label image posts were a bit annoying too. The first few were funny but it became boring and repetitve very quickly

    +2 one month ago
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    @126 Just like the inventor of AK rifles, Mikhail Kalashnikov, he's regretting his very own masterpiece, wishing that he should never done that before.

    one month ago
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    32.6k CaptainNoble

    I like using text labels for smaller fuselage texts for example, Airline names at the top part of the fuselage.

    one month ago
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    27.3k 126

    @LunarEclipseSP idk.

    +1 one month ago
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    @126 @SILVERPANZER Well I can guess it might brings Chii into a "Kalashnikov" situation once he get back. Do you know what I mean?

    +4 one month ago
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    Yeah lol text labels have crappy lighting and no reflections, and when used to make pictures, they're no better than just making the decals from fuselage blocks

    +3 one month ago
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    29.8k Nerfaddict

    @TheMouse yeah, the entire feed, Hottest, Newest, and some of the highest rated sections at one point was nothing but jelly crafts
    Trust me, it hit the site about as hard as when Bowsette hit instagram and twitter

    +1 one month ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    I have heard of that, but did not experience it first hand. It sounds terrifying.

    one month ago
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    29.8k Nerfaddict

    Any Y'all remember the jelly crafts trend from years ago?

    +6 one month ago
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