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[Question] how did you guys come up with your sp account's username?

28.5k YarisSedan  5 hours ago
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    15.5k Kangy

    Was previously called Alta but I’m Australian and that’s my one defining feature apparently hence my name

    13 minutes ago
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    The name for a character of mine, that has long since since gotten a different one. I've thought a few times of changing it, but frankly, I probably won't anytime soon.

    15 minutes ago
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    @KSB24 waht
    @V if you mean that there are still 2 letter usernames.....

    44 minutes ago
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    114k KSB24

    @Graingy they even developed personal timemachines. so when i bored, i used to time travel to play with people of this website, from almost 400 years ago. just like right now.

    +1 an hour ago
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    36.8k Graingy

    @TheMouse Care to spill the cheese balls?
    @jamesPLANESii Wait, whar?
    @KSB24 Dang you were born in 2400? What's the future like?

    +1 1 hours ago
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    36.8k Graingy

    @32 I hab ur name
    giv monee or esle we doxx

    1 hours ago
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    36.8k Graingy


    1 hours ago
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    36.8k Graingy

    @V I wonder if...
    @Fu @ck

    1 hours ago
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    36.8k Graingy

    The origin of the name "Graingy" is a mystery. Nobody knows who came up with it or why.

    +1 1 hours ago
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    73.8k Monarchii

    let's see... the short histories far as I remember XD

    • NavalBlaze : i had a long-running name called "BlazeLuc"(it was actually supposed to be BlazeLucy but 8charc limit so-) from another game and games, and I love ships, so yeah.
    • NBTamata : NavalBlaze shortened to NB and my last name changed up a bit to sound ooh fancy Japanese
    • Tsuchiisan : my favourite manga author; responsible for Girls und Panzer : Little Army, Bellwall Go!! >w<
    • Chiisan : shortened version of Tsuchiisan and much more easy to remember. the start of the "Chii"
    • Farewellchii : burnout hiatus
    • Farewellntchii : back from hiatus
    • Minichiisan : smol chiisan
    • Monarchii : originally was going to go back and return as "Chiisan", but the pun of Monarchy + Chii was just too good to pass up. alas, Monarchii.
    +2 1 hours ago
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    My username has such deep meaning I think even Einstein would struggle with it, but let me explain:

    • James - my name
    • Planes - planes
    • ii - I forgor password 💀

    Please ask if you found that confusing, I know how complex this truely is and I'll be happy to help if you didn't understand

    +2 1 hours ago
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    34.8k Dissent3R

    My old CodM username, my friends were wack

    2 hours ago
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    114k KSB24

    Initial of My real name, year of i born with no "0"s. very '10s ish online naming method.

    2 hours ago
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    59.8k TheMouse

    A joke I had in real life became my whole user.

    3 hours ago
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    10.7k overlord5453

    On a serious note, I saw a YouTube video about SCP and the title was SCP-Overlord. Thought it sounds really cool so I adopted it. Before that, my user name would probably be HunterKiller or something like that.
    Overlord itself was not available, so had to add some numbers at the end.

    3 hours ago
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    29.9k 32

    mine was my real name with some numbers at the end, but I wanted something shorter

    3 hours ago
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    37.7k V

    Was like "imagine if I could get a single character username" when username changes were re-added, and it let me snipe V, 7, and 3. The mods actually reverted my username once citing rules, but judging by the fact that I was technically site staff for a bit, I think the 3 character username rule is out the window nowadays. I also sniped V1 so my alt and I can cosplay the 2 ultrakill characters @V1 and @V2
    (I am still VERY salty that I didn't get _ as a username)

    One more thing, plenty of 2 character usernames are still up for grabs, snag em while you can

    3 hours ago
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    10.7k overlord5453


    +1 3 hours ago
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    My current and latest name comes from one of the lyrics of the Ace of Base song “Happy Nation”. Before that, I was initially named “Simplecreatorofplanes” because I used to make some very simple builds. Then, I changed my name to “AverageF15Enjoyer” because of my interest to the F-15 Eagle.

    3 hours ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    I've got a cemetery instead of neighbours.
    And the very first online game i played was WOT.
    Nickname was grob... something-something.
    Since then i've tried to keep it same in other games.
    So, Grob0s0VBRa is literally always only me. I doubt i ever encountered anyone with somewhat simillar...

    3 hours ago
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    I love "Girls und Panzers" anime, it's an anime about, well, highschool girls operating tanks, a "Waifu" and a "Panzer".
    Inspired by the anime, I took the word "Panzerwaffe" and change it "Panzerwaifu" as my nickname, initially just for World of Tank nickname but now I've used it everywhere else including this site where initially I used "Foxy43" as my nickname. And the "funny number" part is self explanatory

    4 hours ago
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    31.1k TunderTunder

    On this point i didn't remember what my nickname now...

    +1 4 hours ago
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    My OG username was just my roblox username lol. Lord_Lykan was my Xbox gamertag, which I named after the W Motors car and just added Lord to make it sound cool. Sounds pretty edgy lol. And my current username is just a made up company.

    4 hours ago
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    one of my favorite planes, thought it was original enough to use.

    4 hours ago