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My TOP wishlist item for SP2...

235k jamesPLANESii  2 months ago

Devs.. please put LOADS of effort into making a large variety of modular gauges for this game. Please. Pretty please I am begging you we need more than what SP has 🥺

The gauges in SP1 leave a lot to be desired. Don't get me wrong, I am REALLY glad we have them, but I feel like there were a few oversights during the development of them which make them very... limiting.

Air Speed Indicators

I really like the style of the ASIs in the game, but I feel like there was an ENORMOUS oversight in the fact that you can't adjust the speed bands. I don't think there's much more explaining I need to do here. Basically no 2 aircraft have the exact same performance perameters.
Plus there's the fact that the highest one only goes to 600. That's just WAY too slow!

Turn Coordinator

First off, the default code for how the arrow moves is completely incorrect. Believe it or not, it is actually entirely possible to fly an aircraft blind without the help of an artificial horiszon. You can actually do it using just a turn coordinator, a vertical speed indicator and an ASI. Irl the needle on a turn coordinator measures the speed that the nose is changing direction on the axis of the aircraft. I can be fully yawed over, and if my heading isn't changing, the needle will stay in the centre.. unlike the way the SP one works. I think the easiest way to make a turn coordinator easy to code is if you add a variable to cockpit parts that measures the rate of direction change on the axis of the cockpit. Or something along those lines. An easy code would be really nice.

It also annoys me A LOT that there's no ball on this thing. Why do we have to make our own??? :(

Vertical Speed Indicator

This is good, but we REALLY need more of these, including ones that go to 3000 ft/min, 4000 ft/min, 6000 ft/min and 10,000 ft/min. And maybe more if depending on what the fighter plane dudes in the comments want lol

RPM Gauge

This part REALLY needs to be modular. It's cool to use this on replicas, but a lot of engines only rev up to 2700 RPM and 6000 is way excessive.
We also need the ability to add a red line and an operating range band onto the gauge face that isn't by using fuselage blocks. Would be cool if I could make this gauge look something like this.

I think it should also be able to accomodate RPMs for turbines aswell.

The current state of "attitude indicators" in SP make me MAD (?°?°)?? ???

These two gauges (especially the one on the left) SUCK. I have a few issues with the two attitude indicators.
I'll start with the... whatever that thing is on the left bank angle indicator. It's quite literally useless in it's current state. Functionality really needs to be added to this.
I personally think it needs to be turned into this style of artificial horizon:

This attitude incicator was made from 55 parts
The ability to recolour this I think is important too. So that we can make old style attitude indicators azlso.

Ball Attitude Indicator

I have a few issues with this one:
- It's the only actually functional attitude indicator in the game (Can we plz have more and different types in SP2 Please?
- IRL these types are uncommon so having to use these reduces realism
- When combined with a needle and face of a gauge part, it still doesn't have a bank angle indicator
- You can't change its colour (Would be cool if we could paint it black & grey etc like older attitude indicators)

Russian style Attitude Indicators

It would be really cool and REALLY REALLY handy if an attitude indicator of this style was in the game. I don't really want to make an entire custom panel plus an entire custom gauge for my AN-2 lol

Compases... I wanna se more types!

I would really like to see more types of these, such as actual compases, and different heading indicators, including one with a needle which can be used to change the direction of the autopilot. That would be cool...

Some types I wanna see...

This might be a low priority push, but any chance of actual autopilot and navigation system?

Fuel Gauge is great in SP and has some potential in SP2

It would be great if SP2 has a system where we can be more modular with fuel tank systems, and it would be awesome if we could link up fuel gauges to certain tanks so we can see their fuel levels. Also it would be awesome if we could swap out the fractions for actual quantity readings lol.

The "generic" gauge face...

I think SP2 should have a feature where we can draw on and create our very own gauge faces, and include some editing systems that allow us to easily make a custom gauge such as the ability to choose how many notches there are, the size of the notches, where they start and where they stop, and the ability to easily add numbers to the gauges in the spots that we want. This would honestly be a game changer if some system like this was added.

Other cockpit suggestions...

1. Add a button/switch function where the button only activates while it is being clicked.

Useful as test switches/buttons, useful as flap and trim switches/buttons, useful as adjuster buttons, cowl flap buttons etc.

2. Add switches that are bi-directional

Like, have a nutral setting, a down settting and an up setting. These are actually really common switches and I'm not sure why they aren't in the game already. Useful as trim swiches, flap switches, battery switches, landing light / taxi light switches, and many more uses. These are especially useful when joined with my previous suggetsion lol

3. Make levers more modular

Add the ability to individually adjust the handle size, lever size, base size, and lever length/size/shape, aswell as the ability to mix and match different bases to different handles and levers. Plus the ability to move the handle part of the lever left/right

okay it's 1am where I live, sorry if there's loads of typos and bad grammar as I haven't proof read this, kthxbye

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  • Profile image

    It's 2025 where is my SP2 🤬🤬🤬

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    12.6k Timplanes

    @jamesPLANESii I had the same problem when I first tried

    +1 one month ago
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    @Timplanes For me continuous doesn't seem to work :/

    one month ago
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    12.6k Timplanes

    “Add a button/switch function where the button only activates while it is being clicked“

    Isn’t this already possible if you set the interaction type to continuous?

    one month ago
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    7,629 GrandPrix

    @MonsNotTheMonster I’m pretty sure it was in the teaser

    one month ago
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    @GrandPrix where? On the FAQ's

    one month ago
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    7,629 GrandPrix

    @MonsNotTheMonster they said something about images so…

    one month ago
  • Profile image
    9,222 T8flight
    1. editable cross sections of fuselage blocks.

    2. refer to #1

    one month ago
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    +1 2 months ago
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    27.1k IFVuser

    @MonsNotTheMonster huh, i.. dont really know how you could implement that
    maybe like image attachment on the fuselage could work

    2 months ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    Livery editor

    +1 2 months ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @DeezDucks I see the duck has moved on from bread to bananas.
    Addiction is a terrible thing…

    +2 2 months ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    I think SP2 should have a feature where we can draw on and create our very own gauge faces

    “Checking all instruments. Speed, check, altitude, check, fuel, check, crudely drawn penis, check, heading, check. I think we’re clear for takeoff.”

    +2 2 months ago
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    @overlord5453 I am mad I need my SP 2!!!!!!!

    +1 2 months ago
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    4,402 Solent

    there also need to be some digital displays, it's extremely annoying trying to work with fuselage artificial horizons and text displays and all that stuff

    +2 2 months ago
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    I forgot to add to my request:

    ✨ Livery Editor ✨

    Because that'll be interesting

    +6 2 months ago
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    I think that text-based definition and runtime generation of gauge faces should be easy to implement
    I also want circular and bar-shaped meters for digital displays. The circular ones can't be done without moving parts or massive labels. The bar ones are reasonable but still more convoluted than necessary

    +2 2 months ago
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    31.1k 32


    2 months ago
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    22.6k Axartar

    Sliders, like physical VR capable versions of the vtol and trim sliders, like the fighter yoke thing but better, and sensors, like being able to find rate of turn at points of the plane or strain on rotator joints for example. I crave the sliding parts

    +1 2 months ago
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    57.4k bjac0

    @DeezDucks 100%

    2 months ago
  • Profile image
    9,474 F16xl

    Don’t forget HUDs

    +1 2 months ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    I want a banana for scale part

    +16 2 months ago
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    79.8k Zerkk

    More activation groups!

    +4 2 months ago
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    51.8k ShinyGemsBro

    Alot more weapon options would be nice too
    Ranging from practical to stupid just for the variety

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Rb2h it's confirmed. Was in the trailer

    +3 2 months ago
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