(This is just a recap)
These are a few things I'd love to see in the next update!
Storms/tsunamis/hurricanes and so forth
1000 lbs. bombs
Stealth capabilities
New plane tags (Vietnam/Korean era, stealth, super-heavy, super-light, not so simple and so on)
More landing spots? (Like on the big carrier and/or the helipad on one of the destroyers)
Perhaps a few more powerful engines
Trim tabs
The traffic makes me lag a tad :\
Trim tabs
Smarter AI
A few more challenges? :D
Non-mod decals (I have a no mod/xml policy for myself, but I'd still like to use decals :)
Maybe, and this is a stretch, but different camera filters like thermal and all that (Can't remember the fancy names for them)
Camera zoom
Trim tabs
A gunner mechanic? (Like turrets and defensive arms)
A better break-apart system (So only part of it falls off rather than totally explode)
Trim tabs
And a little bow =3
(If you guys like this, I'd really appreciate it if you tagged a mod or two so they can see!)
This guy was right about a good many of these.
we want gunners we want gunners
@mufasa6896 Nah XD But yeah Trim tabs.
@OtterOfToast lol oh, i thought you said you use break flaps lol, my b
@mufasa6896 That IS what I do.
@OtterOfToast What i do for trim tabs is attach a small support wing to a roter and nudge the rotar wing combo into the planes fuselage. i set the roter to only 15ish degrees of rotation and give it its own activation group. Here is an example of what i am talking about. That plane needs a bit of negative pitch trim to have flat horizontal flight. (or you could pull the wings back, but you get less agility). 6- is pitch trim.
@mufasa6896 You can but I mean an actual piece to put on a wing or a function to put on a control surface. The current form of trim tabs causes too much drag and it bulky and a little touchy.
@OtterOfToast u do realize you can make trim tabs already?
I think you made some valid points, but I'd like to add Trim Tabs to your list.
@OtterOfToast also I might sound stupid for saying this but what are trim tabs?
@OtterOfToast wot about 2000lb bombs The B-17 could carry two of those bad boys.xD Abd check out my B-39 a 1950s furturistic nuclear powered bomb! :D I love the idea about Torpedos too!
You forgot trim tabs man! TRIM TABS!!!!
@ChaMikey Gah yes!! I forgot those. Sonic booms would be awesome so I can really tell if I'm fighting at super-sonic speeds. Flaps and trim tabs would be awesome :D And yeah I think the prop startup would be nice, too =3
I'd love to see Decals.
I think we might need to ad trim tabs? thoughts
flaps, realistic prop startup, and sonic booms!
Trim tabs maby?
Also I like the more challenges part
@Badet ._.
@Badet So he stole Parts of a VTOL Aircraft?
@Badet I'm not a plant and it looks like it can destroy a Honey Badger
I'd like to see storms and @Badet Are you sure your riding a cat? Looks like it's ready for battle
Guys, it is called SIMPLE planes, remember?
I think you forgot the trim tabs...