Copying people's things just to get free upvotes isnt cool. No one likes a cheater. Even though measures have been put in place, there are still cheaters. Dont support these people. Thought I'd just pen a message to the SP community after seeing things copied from hard workers, and sometimes even being upvoted. Thanks for Reading. Sincerely, SB. Ps. I'm not trying to flame the people who actually IMPROVE on other's aircraft/cars/boats. Just give credit where it's due.
@JTM55 ah that makes sense... but he still copied work
I havent created account for a long time before i created this account in dec2015 i watched the forums long enough that i doesnt need to read the rules before entering this wonderful community
Hahahahahah, well said but I think he means doing nothing to it and just reposting it @RhysBrown
Erm... You just had a go at people that copy other peoples creations right? Well if this is true why are your planes based on other peoples creations? Answer that...
Some people don't read the rules.
Points don't matter what does matter is when someone steals your work and doesn't give credit @Sunnyskies
I did that but I waited until I got approval by the creator and gave him a heaping pile of credit. BUT, I completely agree. I hate when someone just adds a few things without approval and DOESNT EVEN give any credit
Thanks for the opinion and input into the subject!
I'm actually kinda neutral on the subject. Points don't really matter to me, and I find it kind of nice someone would like my work enough to want to claim it as their own. What annoys me most is when people with no idea what they're doing slap on a bunch of nonsense and extra engines, ruining the mass/lift balance. Annoys me more than copies with no changes.
Thanks for the support. Just felt the need to write this after seeing several incidents
I agree that people should do more research
Even when I was newbie on my old account my work still got stolen