Yes I did and I will show you!
Start by selecting a plane
Now undo last step
Now redo !
And you can fly it
the plane is @ForeverPies
Well I found how to download planes with mods on iOS! [Andrew]
44.8k Kevinairlines
7.7 years ago
I tried this on a tank with tank tracks and I only got a tank with no tracks
Hahahahaha. Why won’t SimplePlanes bring more for iOS :(@Kevinairlines
Don’t no lol @Tazziedevil04
Who’s plane@Kevinairlines
No way
Lol np @Neoteraphyte
Yay! Now I can use modded planes!
Hay look at this not a rick-roll thing @saturn28
Oh ok well I am going to try something big I am going to get a thing that I can stream steam to my iPad!
So I can xml amd fine tune on iOS but not on iOS lol @saturn28
Oh well you at it can you also make a vtol engine 2 Times power that can fit in a 0.25 block? @saturn28
And I need something for the race thing ha ha I need a a fuel tank or a fuselage block that takes 1000 pounds away and can fit in a 0.25 block:) @saturn28
Thanks good news i am back full time! @saturn28
Thanks @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
I didn't know this....
@Kevinairlines XD
Never mind lol @ForeverPie
@Kevinairlines what?
Lol @KDS
Still what reply? Tell me @ForeverPie
I have crippling depression!
@Kevinairlines idk
Congrats, you found out a already known trick! :P
slow clap
we already know this