As of July 12th, 2017, 9:55 p.m. Pacific Daylight time, the total plane/vehicle count on the simpleplanes website was an astonishing 369,792 planes, taking up 15,408 full pages with none left over!!!! EDIT: as of noon on July 13th, 2017, there are also 102,010 users spanning a full 2833 pages of 36 users per page and one extra page of 22 users!!!
The ENTIRE simpleplanes website plane count!!! EDIT: And user count!!!!
9,680 CarsonG1017
7.6 years ago
Who's here in 2019 lmao
@ThePrototype I just went to the last pages of both the user and highest rated pages, and I counted 36 users per page and 24 planes per page.
No problem and how did you figure all of this out?@Carsong1017
@ThePrototype thank you for the upvote!
@randomusername thank you for the upvote and the nice comment!
@PhantomBladeCorp @MicenAuto @JovianPat thank you for the upvotes!
@Testin123 thank you for the upvote!
@helilover03 thank you for the upvote!
@Carsong1017 you are welcome buddy!
@HKAerodynamics well either way, thank you so much for helping me!
@Carsong1017 it was no problem. I just needed something to pass the time while tidying up the kitchen XD
Wow! My points have almost quadrupled since I posted this!!! Special thanks to @HKAerodynamics for upvoting ALL of my planes!! EDIT: my points have OVER quadrupled!!!! Thank you everyone!!!
Oh yay it's got more than 100,000 users now!
@CoolPeach thanks for the upvote!
@TheNightmare811 thank you.
@aircraftarsenal123 thank you. Almost 370,000!!!
@Tully2001 @Warbirdnation
@Jetspeed1001 @Hyperloop @SmileMore13 Thank you for the upvotes!!! I would also like to thank everyone who upvoted any of my posts and helping me get to bronze!!!
@JakeTheDogg don't worry, I only do it when similar situations to this arise.
Very interesting technique! Good job! @Carsong1017
Np @Carsong1017
np, as of now there is 369,917 planes and 15,414 pages @Carsong1017
@aircraftarsenal123 thanks for the upvote!
@AndrewGarrison if the plane count reaches 400,000 when it's released, maybe you could put a mention about it in the update trailer!
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I do too. Thanks for the upvote!