I'm terrified that I'll accidentally press my jetstream instead of my notifications. Maybe when you have 5013 in your jet stream you'll be able to relate.
I'm terrified that I'll accidentally press my jetstream instead of my notifications. Maybe when you have 5013 in your jet stream you'll be able to relate.
XD @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
If only I ruled the world, everything would be so much better, every child from the age of 8 would be taught how to make thermite and have shot no fewer than 5 different firearms. I would move the "view profile" button and the "jet stream" button, I would make selfie sticks punishable by death, along with using a phone in the theater, chihuahuas, and those stupid "easy open" products that are really ten times harder to open.
Lol my jet stream is 4 on a good day XD
@Awsomur XD
Just get over it. Jundroo won't design the website because of one user's minor problem.
Dat happens
@LiamW Yup lol.
@LiamW e.g.#firstworldproblems
@LiamW escaping (
) the character worksLol that was meant to be a hashtag @jamesPLANESii
firstworldproblems @jamesPLANESii
@AndrewGarrison Ecks dee.