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Tough Planes Challenge!

9,199 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing  7.4 years ago

The challenge is simple, build a plane meant to do nothing more than take abuse. Entries will not be judged on looks, manuverability or even functuonalty, just sheer survivability. Enter by making it either a succesor to the challenge post I made earlier, or a clickabke link in the comments, and before you get mad at me for making it be a succesor, I dont care. Rules: cannot be a copy of anothers post, or even a modified version of someones post, it must be original. I reserve the right to reject entries woth to many parts, (over 400-500 as i am on an IOS device) Obviously it cant have some invincibility mod. Must at least be able to fly, doesnt have to fly well, just fly controllably. Thats about it for the rules, enjoy the challenge, upvote/comment if you like it or think it's a good idea! Entries due by the 28th of this month!

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    Pls tag me, I've wanted to see a plane like this forever, that's why I did the challenge @IanAndEndy1124

    7.4 years ago
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    That would all be acceptable, but the challenge ended 9/28/17 @IanAndEndy1124 , with no entries, but I would be more than happy to take a look at your build!

    7.4 years ago
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    Take off from write airport, and head straight forward, past Yeager, and keep going, you'll find it eventually, and the plane as long as it can fly and has no invincibility mods is valid for the challenge @huiyuanzhang

    7.4 years ago
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    I have a bulletproof plane that can take up loads of bullet damage (I haven't uploaded yet), but missile proof? It can take 1 hit and no more... BTW does anyone know how to get to avalanche airport? I accidentally lost my data...

    7.4 years ago
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    Thanks @WEAPONSMITH !

    7.4 years ago
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    I would have to have some sort of proof that the friend gave permission, i.e. Then telling me some how @IanAndEndy1124 , for it having to be a plane, it does have to be a plane because the way I test them is get the Beasts destroyers mad at me and time how long they last

    7.4 years ago
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    Thanks! I hope to see a few entries at least... @KidKromosone

    7.4 years ago
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    25.8k KidKromosone

    Awesome idea! I've been looking for a plane like this for a while!

    7.4 years ago