Cable - wings are extremely bendy in this game and it would be cool if we could fix it without having to use structural wings
Bullet drop/explosive rounds - would love to see some arty that doesn't use bombs
Flak rounds - AAA guns would be easier to make
AP rounds - tank combat and combat in general would be much more interesting
Armor values - the higher the mass the more damage a block can take and the less likely it will be penetrated.
Ammo boxes and fuel tanks - give us something more to aim for
Another type of prop and/or jet engine
Ability to type in exact angles in the fine tuner
Another Island with cave system for race and challenge (to fly through)
We should have an extra sandbox world with like two small islands with boat docks for all sorts of ships, then put all the restof the processer power into the water to allow waves and go under water, make subs truely work
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing oh then agreed
We don't need waves, just better interaction with water @MrDoolittle
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I wish but Dev's said they wouldn't be adding waves
And better water physics!
@TheLatentImage I know but I was thinking that a more aesthetically pleasing way of fixing the problem would be better
You can get rid of most wing wobble by using structural wings with control surfaces enabled. You can do that via xml editing, using the overload mod, or you can use this one here.
@AstleyIndustries ammo box would explode when shot and hold a finite amount of rounds so you could run out of ammo
@Tully2001 resizeable fuselage fuel tanks that hold more than the standard fuselage block
Cables: Yes pls (but how will it be made?)
Bullet drop: Would be nice, but should be toggleable
Flak rounds: k
AP/Explosive rounds: Maybe they can have special effects to ground targets
Armor Values: pretty good stuff, but tedious to modify lots and lots of fuselage blocks
Ammo boxes: k but why tho
More engines: Yes, would be nice
Exact angles in transform tool: why is that not in the game anyway
More islands: idk what to say
You should put these ideas into the uservioce under the stuff tab.