Rain, lightning, heat and snow.
More details to the world.
Engine and weapons overheating.
- More optional sliders.
- More options for those sliders.
- A second set of activation groups (originally pitched by -
TheLatentImage long ago). - The ability to choose which activation group will be always-active like AG 8.
- Engines and guns can overheat. (Minguns will no longer stop automatically, but if fired for too long they will buckle and then explode. A warning message would be added for these effects.)
- More precise Part Transform tool. Right now it’s very jumpy.
- More engines (specifically, more realistic props).
- Wing shapes (curved, smooth, etc. This would make fuselage wings obsolete.
Decals could be drawn in game or imported from a picture. They could be added onto any part. This would make fuselage decals obsolete.
- A setting to disable all below-mentioned features for low-end devices.
- Cities. These are long overdue.
- More foliage.
- Rain (this is also long overdue)
- Lightning that can strike planes, causing damage depending on the design.
- Snow. This would come with the cold effects mentioned below.
Heat and cold effects:
Heat and cold would effect planes in different ways. They’d be toggled through a menu like the wind settings are now, as would other weather. Snow would stick to a plane and put extra weight onto a parked plane, making it more difficult to take off. Severe heat would cause engines to overheat quicker. From Feanor: “The heat should also reduce lift produced by wings.”
-The Awsomur
And WATER PHYSICS! A several thousand pound plane hitting the water should make just a bit more than a small ripple don’t you think? XD
I think it can be abused in dogfights when you set your plane to a ground aircraft
You forgot to mention clouds.
I agree.
the best idea is the option to label it an air unit or ground unit
@Awsomur i tried telling them but i did not feel like getting in a big argument. we ahould also be able to mix colors.
Whoever told you that is incorrect. If decals got really big then maybe they’d get laggy.
Napalm is a great idea.
on one of my posts, i asked for the ability to draw freely on a plane, but people said it take too much proccessing power to implement. id also like napalm bombs
@Awsomur Yeah, probably it will be laggy though.
@Awsomur I knowwww but I don't wanna lol
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Use structural wings with control surfaces added. You can do that by XML modding I beleive.
@PhilipTarpley (I messed up his name in the last comment) @FeatureBot
@AndrewGarrison @HellFireKoder @ PhilipTarpley
I agree to this idea with the addition of toggleable bomb craters in the terrain, not just the black marks we have now
@Awsomur depends on the amount and realism of the foliage, if it's just visual, and you can fly thru it with no problem, then it is no problem, but if it's made so leaves can get sucked into ur engine, then you have issues
That’s not true. How can other games have foliage and still run well on even mobile devices? So your statement is false. @chancey21
Still foliage would be so laggy you could have a computer the size of a house and it would still be like 1FPS @Awsomur
Ok. The cities and trees would be toggled through a setting as I said, so low-end devices can handle the update.
Also a good idea.