I keep seeing great creations go seemingly unnoticed and I wonder I anyone knows if there is a time where people are most active?
I keep seeing great creations go seemingly unnoticed and I wonder I anyone knows if there is a time where people are most active?
@ColonelStriker nah it's around 1-2 am here in PH
Lol @Swiftsure
When everyone is awake
Jk, I've go no idea, im Aussie so I guess I'm upside down
Yes. The time when Rocket Man makes an announcement.
@MrDoolittle You're right, I'm sure.
I've noticed that posting at noon (pacific time) works best for me.
I'm active from around 9-1 am usually, but sometimes right after school from 4:30 after.
@Gestour lol a that's cause you have more than 33 followers my friend. For us lowlies time of day does matter (any time during the day on a weekend and 3-5 during the week)
@ForeverPie I could be wrong, maybe time of day does matter. I've just personally never noticed a difference. I uploaded my f-117 in the middle of the night and it did okay.
It’s around 12:00 noon here in the Philippines
@Gestour My MD-11F got no attention, either because I uploaded really late at night or because of my bad screenshot.
Try to do it around 4-5 pm in the United States that's when most of the users are on I think (because of school)
@Gestour it does for people who don't have many followers. If it quickly slips from hottest page, it often doesn't get noticed at all.
Time of upload makes no difference At all if the build is good.