We have floating blocks and all that. But what if we could go underwater like a sub, a special block to make us go down under water and up. Under the water could be coral, and fish etc. also could do with a rudder so we can make boats easier to turn and even a boat motor.
Do you have any ideas on anything to do with watercraft in simpleplanes. Please leave comments.
I have just had another good one: waves and a ballast to keep it stable. And weather conditions.
Thank you @BMilan
Once again thank you very much to everyone who upvoted.
That’s exactly what I mean @BMilan thanks.
Really great ideas! I already made some submarines but those are based on some small tricks and you cant even see underwater with them. I hope somethink like this will be made, in my opnion it there should be a block just like the fuselage block (so that you can change it size and form) but if there's at least one of these blocks on your vehicle, you'd have another slider (just like the ones for VTOL andTrim on the sides of the screen) which would control the ballast, if you pull it down your submarine would go underwater and if you pull it upit would come up, there would be a function in the designer with the CoM, CoL and CoT,that would show if your vehicle can go underwater or not (in case you put too much buoyancy on your vehicle and not enouh dead weight/fuel)
Yes definitely
this sounds great although i mean ballast can by synthesized with just weighted fuselage blocks but still great ideas i would suggest a sail part
@KidKromosone It still has a mounted aircraft attached to it.
But you made a Missile Carrier, that’s certainly not a plane xD@koryg
Thank you to all who upvoted
Come look at this @jundroo
Yes @Bo123
If we have fish then we must have birds and that’s weird
Thanks @Rodrigo110 and @PorkyClown3
Thanks @Feanor