Not many of you know why im gone why im gone or what do i do now
Im a T-72A specialist... a gunner.
But Sos you nasty boi why T-72 and not T-90S or T-14?
Idk im not the president of me country.
So they took my phone
Im getting it back next week
And I need someone to make that tank meanwhile.
Just tag me on the build.
Also i might start uploading some mobile builds.
not aploded yet, still need gunsight, i uplod beta
@ChaMikey y u no tag meh
@Dllama4 I can only hope :) means alot coming from you dood )))
It looks amazing. Better than what I could do @ChaMikey
y u no reply reee, i hef made your T-72
Oh, you won’t get hurt by anything in the T-72. It’s Soviet and made of pure S T A L I N I U M
Miss you dude
Also, I’ve been planning on making a T-72, and this is a great opportunity.
Oh, hey. I hope you’re having a happy, safe time over there serving you country. We miss you. :( :)
Take care dude, we miss you.
Stay safe buddy. Miss you.
I would but I’m bad at tanks
does it have those triangular ERA on the turrets?
im asking for the sake of confirmations and detail accuracies, I need to know
Hmmmmm... gimme some time.
Sos you're alive
Aight, totally understand! Good luck!@Sauce
@KidKromosone not allowed to
No cant do...implying u can? Anyways totally understand if you cant, that makes sense. 1.5 years of launching artillery sounds pretty neato, good luck and stay safe mate@Sauce
@Gestour no
Im on tanks for a half year after that idk where i’ll go
@KidKromosone no
Cant do
Can you take a pic?
T-72? The Russian tank! Thats really neat man! Good luck and best of wishes! A T-90 would have been pretty cool though.
@Sauce 1.5 years of shooting tanks sounds great.
@Sauce Ha, you're lucky.
stay safe.