This has been an ongoing topic for quite some time, but I think I have a solution. A good control scheme for a turret on an airplane would be to have two rotators, then binding each one to pitch and roll for the x-axis and y-axis respectively. Then with the Mouse as Joystick function, you can control the rotators and be able to shoot the gun that'd be attached to it. BUT there's a catch, in the air, you'd be controlling your turret and your plane at the same time making it impossible to aim. I found a simple solution to this: with the Overload mod you can modify a wing's control surface and add on the activationGroup function onto it. This will allow a wing's control surfaces to be toggled on and off at will. This pretty much solves the whole ordeal. Heres some screenshots of me playing around with functioning turrets:
Activation Group binding for Control Surfaces:
Test it out
I also used a mod to make this
I have something that could help
It helped me. and I come with another solution. if you have a controller, you can configure it's X and Y axis to trim and VTOL and change it in you plane control surface to work with it. and your mouse will be free for just aim and fire.
Is there an XML-changeable option for a control surface/rotator to ignore autopilot? I'm glad someone found a start to it but it requires constant maintenance to your trim, angle, etc if you're not 100% perfect when disabling the actual wing control surfaces. The ability to simply have the rotators ignore autopilot would work much better, though I have no idea if that's something that can be done or if it's in place for a future update.
maybe you can use the game's autopilot function to make things easier?
just a thought..
I thought people knew this. Cool nonetheless
@STlegacyAircraft Thanks! I felt bad about not putting Navy markings on it, but I couldn't get the roundels to fits the curved sides properly. BTW, people have taken this method to the next level and applied the mouse aim to the cockpit itself, allowing missile lock to work like a modern heads up display.
@F104Deathtrap because i have seen longer descriptions but never a read more button.
@Minecraftpoweer On the plane pages? No, not new. I just talk too much.
@F104Deathtrap Love your SBD. I've had it downloaded since you released it.
@F104Deathtrap your description was so long that i had to click read more, is that something new?
@F104Deathtrap smart
You and I are of like minds on this issue. It's also useful to make a tiny dot about a foot in front of the camera for use as an aiming pipper.
That would also need the plane to also fly straight so a gyro could also be used to make it more steady :)
I've made a plane that uses that same mechanic.
Control surfaces will be disabled with AG8, and turret could be turned on with AG2 to activate gunners.
@plane918273645 you can’t make it yourself but you can use planes that have this feature already.
@STlegacyAircraft yeah. I think it works with a helicopter's side guns. And if you put the AG on 8 instread of 1then the default control will be the plane's control= you don't need to toggle AG1 before takeoffs
@TakicraftCorporation Im hoping we will eventually get more bomber builds with functioning turrets. xb
What a simple and elegant solution. Nice! :)
Heres a link for anyone who wants to test this out:
TA-39 Bomber
Let me know if there's any issues
I'm sure fine tuner and overload is okay when downloading on iOS @STlegacyAircraft
@plane918273645 It'd only work on Android since it has access to mods. You'd use the touchpad joyststicks when actually controlling it.
How will it work for mobile?