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(RP) War has ended

302 NewBohemia  6.9 years ago

The war between the SimpleLandia and the Cobra, in which was the Pricnipality of New Bohemia indirectly participating, finally came to end.
An order has been sent to New Bohemian Air Force (NBAF) fleets abroad to return back to their air bases.
The NBAF has also issued a statement that none of the seven BA-91 Vaporizer nuclear bombers has been used in combat, fueling the public's disapproval of the astronomical investment into the bombers.
All seven scrambled BA-91 bombers have safely returned, while three out of the fifty BA-11 ground attack aircraft have been reportedly lost, with their pilots evacuating and making it back to safety.
Two more BA-11s are currently stationed at an undisclosed air base of the SimpleLandian Air Force, waiting to be repaired after sustaining heavy damage.
Also, the government's funding of the nuclear program has been cut off, most likely as an attempt to regain public appeal. That, however, did not stop the NBAF and Bohemian Aerospace (BA) from continuing the BA-91 production, although it has been slowed down by a large factor.
There are also yet unconfirmed rumors that NBAF and BA are now working on a brand new aircraft, intended mostly for defense and quick response in case of a surprise attack.

In other news; remains of the crashed ICBM from couple days ago have finally been identified. And the answer may surprise you.
As crazy as it sounds, according to all scientists working on the case, the ICBM has reportedly came from the Moon. That was confirmed after unusually large portions of moon dust were found around the crash site.
We will watch the story and inform you about any possible future updates.

- New Bohemia Times

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    @Wahoo12 Iron Sky 2, coming this year

    6.9 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Nuclear war is no small matter... I blame space nazis

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    SimpleLandia will aid the New Bohemian military in their Nuclear Program, and in the production of the BA-91.

    6.9 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    Wow this is sudden

    6.9 years ago
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    Well id be dammed

    6.9 years ago