Today I just flew the Super Cub foamy I got for Christmas, and I was very surprised at how much I have to improved! The local baseball diamond is a great place to cruise around Bush Planes
Also this is the plane my most recent build is based off of
Kool boi@Fred19
@Chancey21 my dad and I have a few foam rc planes including one we built
It’s a great plane, just make sure to put the landing gear on the right way @JohnnyBoythePilot
Yes @JohnnyBoythePilot
@Chancey21 my p-51s wing ripped off, but the thing has incredible survivability. scotch tape fixes EVERYTHING
Is this the Hobbyzone super Cub? I have the Champ and Firebird Stratos.
depression intensifies @Chancey21
Yeah, that second gif is a to fast landing and I pitched forward and smashed the nose @Strikefighter04
Hooray, cuz I would crash so much XD @Chancey21
I also recommend one with SAFE technology cause it has autopilot crash saver at the click of a button @Strikefighter04
Also a subscription to model airplane news is good before you buy, they suggest the best foamys and trainers @Strikefighter04
Ok wow. I'll look at it. Thanks! @Chancey21
Also GET A SIMULATOR, or you can actually use SP as an RC sim, use a look at cockpit camera and buy an RC controller that has a usb output, I swear spending 85$ on a sim will save you. Hundreds @Strikefighter04
I would recommend a hobbyzone duet or a delta ray @Strikefighter04
Oh that's fine. @Caveman999
I’m cursed with flying toys.
I don5 know anything really sorry. @Strikefighter04
I'll look at those. Thanks man for the input! @ThePilotDude
Hey, I've been looking into RC planes, and what would be a good beginning plane? A plane like a Stuka, P-51, or B-17? Why would be more suited to quickly person with no RC plane experience (I drive RC cars). @Chancey21 @Caveman999 @ThePilotDude
jamesPLANESii wants RC plane.
jamesPLANESii’s parents think they’re useless, like motorbikes.
jamesPLANESii sad. :(
I had a yellow cub as my first actual RC plane. One time, I was flying and it hit a tree. Since you can't climb a 75ft pine tree, my dad got a tractor and shook it out. Only damage was to the foam wing.
Yup, had two 60$ twins and they were actually ok but completely died if you breathed to hard @ThePilotDude
Yeah but it has great STOL @CRJ900Pilot