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Roleplay WAR players in simpleplanes

55.6k Freerider2142  6.8 years ago

OK i'm gonna be a bit aggressive because this is not the first time.

If you are Roleplaying in a WAR, that's fine...

You see here's the thing:
Yesterday I was playing MP and there were some people around.
Bomb explosions started on Wright, so I Asked in Chat "Who's Bombing?"
after no response and more bombs, I said: "Stop Bombing take it somewhere else!"
I mean, THERE IS A HUGH MAP with all kinds of Targets on it...
After a few more attempts I finally saw the Coward's name flying close to me (he was untargetable to me).
H'es name was "Cobra" something, so I wrote "Cobra are you bombing?"
still no response, and after a few more minutes and bombs there was a reply in chat form "Cobra" whatever, "I'm an enemy of Simplandia" followed by some War BS about destroying Wright and the people in it.
so I responded with "Take your war and SHOVE IT UP YOUR REAR END! I'm not part of your WAR!!"
... no response more bombs...
So I got into my Fighter and proceeded to shoot him down a couple of times.
He finally replied with something like: "Ok you got me I'll stop the bombing, come help me destroy the carrier"
My reply at this point was a bit more aggressive.
I usually don't use Curse words in chat, until somebody is REALLY BEING AN A-HOLE!!!

Bombing Spawn areas and attacking players without warning is completely and utterly an A-HOLE and COWARDLY thing to do, and I will call you "Coward Carpet BOMBING A-HOLE" in chat to let everybody know who's messing with their gameplay.
you've probably seen that line if i'm on MP and somebody is carpet bombing.

-Some people don't like being blown up when their trying to do something with their plane, so STOP getting in Their way!!!

-Some people have a Weak computer and every time they get attacked it kills their gameplay!

-Some people are just trying to fly around to look at and share other designs, and being bombed doesn't really help in that either.

-Some people just don't like the LAG FROM PLAYERS RESPAWNING EVERY 2 SECONDS, that just hits everybody's gameplay!

If you belong to a Faction in a WAR, or If you just want to attack something..

from what iv'e seen so far, most players would let you blow them up just for kicks and too see what you got... IF YOU JUST ASK THEM BEFORE!

So please Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and girls lets make WAR civilized and maybe more people (including myself) will be open to the idea.

I mean attacking somebody without warning is basically terrorism:
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." google dictionary.

If I'm going over the line let me know.
If you agree... great.
If you are a player that does "invisible" carpet bombing in or out of WAR... well your just a coward asshole who's good at XML.... but usually not so good on the flying/dogfighting side... with all due respect ;).

I am not accusing any WAR FACTION for these actions, I am only accusing the Players that do them.

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  • Profile image
    5,841 FastDan

    @Wahoo12 Yeah.

    6.8 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @FastDan I've made a car and a tank out of 'em, it sorta works

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    to my knowledge, people don't usually go onto MP to do wars, though a dedicated war server seems like a cool idea. If I remember correctly (I wasn't really involved) Cobra was a little... troublesome (but maybe not?). @Freerider2142 @Strikefighter04

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @FastDan XD , XML-GOD!!!

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    Wow,dude chill.Just calmly go to the designer, and make an invincible plane out of cockpits.XD

    6.8 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 XD

    6.8 years ago
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    I know who he is. But it's classified. @Freerider2142

    6.8 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 no.. the player's name was Cobra..... something.... not his plane.

    6.8 years ago
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    Was it this plane? XD

    6.8 years ago
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    @Freerider2142 What do you think multiplayer is for? Not attacking other players? That's the only fun thing about it. Otherwise just go and uninstall multiplayer.

    6.8 years ago
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    @Awsomur I am accusing them of terrorism when they say they are at war.
    I am only bringing to attention the fact that the server is there by generosity and is public, if you want to bomb someone go ahead, just don't be mean about it and don't hurt their gameplay, they have every right to be there as you do, and they can also switch servers and so on.
    I can take care of myself if somebody is attacking me in MP, but some players are on weak computers, or lousy connection that any excessive use of Explosions just ruins their day.

    6.8 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 so do I

    6.8 years ago
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    I know who Cobra is. XD

    6.8 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Jesus Christ dude, it’s just a game! If you don’t like what someone is doing on a server then either go to another server or get off the computer! And now you’re trying to accuse online players of being terrorists? Not only have you crossed the line, you’ve drawn a whole new line that should never be passed.

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    @Gestour I will refrain from cussing from now on, sorry for that.
    I never use direct foul language, I either use @#* or use language like i did except A-.. but i'll stop using foul language from now on.
    sometimes you try to do something with other people.
    I was taking videos of other players flying their creations, not really a singleplayer thing.
    also if i'm being attacked in mp I usually retaliate a couple of times and move somewhere else on the map not to get in that players way.

    This is more against players who keep attacking players in MP even after being asked not to do so, or even after relocating to another spawn area only to be followed by the attacking player.

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    According to your profile, you are 34 years old...
    Please refrain from cussing at children!
    Also, if you want to fly without being attacked, don't go online.

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    @KingPanzerVIII better?

    6.8 years ago