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(RP) Bohemian Airlines Expo #1 - Report + screenshots

302 NewBohemia  6.9 years ago

I'm not putting this ONLY into RP because there are some dank screenshots that may interest even non-RP people

The first aircraft to arrive at the first annual Bohemian Airlines Exposition was their Airbus A380. It did so by performing a very low pass over the runway and circling the airport once again.

Couple seconds after the A380 landed and turned around to exit the runway, another of Bohemian Airlines planes landed, this time being their brand new Ilyushin 96.

The Bohemian Aerospace then surprised the visitors with a full fleet of their latest Vulture jets, intended to replace the aging aircraft of New Bohemian Air Force.
The jets first overflew the airport in a formation, then broke up and each of them landed individually.

Everyone then had to move aside because SLS Systems (the owner of the airport) had to land their own plane, so we pretended it was part of the exposition and thoroughly documented its landing.

Bohemian Airlines then landed their last participant on the airshow, the Dassault Mercure. And shortly after the Mercure exited the runway, the Antonov Design Bureau landed their An-50 from the opposite runway direction.

Shortly after that, the A380 was once again ready to take off, this time with visitors of the exposition who payed for a unique experience of flying the A380 around the island.
Before the takeoff, Skychaser Company, a small bohemian aircraft manufacturer, quickly made a cameo when one of its planes broke down just in front of the A380 which was already spooling up its engines.

After the 'obstacle' was cleared, the A380 could safely take off.
As soon as it climbed a bit it set its course towards a nearby space rocket launch site and also the headquarters of MERSO.

There the A380 conducted a low pass between the launch pad and the runway and continued towards another airport.

Meanwhile, a very... unique plane paid a visit to the exposition...

The airshow part of the exposition was then concluded by a Spectre drone of the New Bohemian Air Force, which performed a short, vertical takeoff while deploying countermeasures.

The Spectre drone was then joined by multiple unmanned BA-11 Protectors and escorted away from the airport.

And that about concludes the first annual Bohemian Airlines Expo.
We hope the next installment will attract more companies, airlines, and maybe even air forces.
Also, for the next one, we will have a bigger, more suitable airport available, and a very special visitor is also scheduled.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and if not the RP part, then at least the screenshots! The whole reason behind making this was just to test out my screenshot making-capablities.
And thank you all for the 224 points so I can even post the screenshots in the first place!
Cya at the next expo. If you want your plane featured in it, tell me here or under the next post (in about a week or so)

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    PAC would like the P7A Samson airliner displayed at the show and possibly perform a STOL demo. Or the C7A Samson, which ever is easier on your frames.

    Nordan would also like their latest tactical reconnaissance aircraft showcased, the NA-3R Twilight Lark.

    6.9 years ago
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    4,845 SolarisAir

    b u s h

    6.9 years ago
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    5,517 one

    Please notice and feature our Dragon

    6.9 years ago
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    7,116 Bearclaw189

    It is still nice@DerekSP

    6.9 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    @Bearclaw189 it's this, just repainted.

    6.9 years ago
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    2,121 SkylineAero

    @NewBohemia cool airshow!

    6.9 years ago
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    19.7k WaffleCakes

    Please feature this in the next show!

    6.9 years ago
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    7,116 Bearclaw189

    What is the fighter plane, tag me plz

    6.9 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    will new bohemia join The united role-play authority? @NewBohemia

    6.9 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    Bush will always be watching.
    For another September.

    6.9 years ago
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    Sounds good! I'll tell you when I'm ready! @NewBohemia

    6.9 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 if you do, please notify me in advance so I can provide a plane in a special livery or something like that

    6.9 years ago
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    The Bush Plane XD I may want to make an Air Show now...

    6.9 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    Dat Bush plane tho.

    6.9 years ago