We are updating our websites to make sure we are compliant with GDPR, which is going into effect on May 25th. We use cookies for things like "Remember Me" functionality, so you don't need to log in everytime you visit the website. Also, we use Google Analytics to monitor website traffic, and it creates a few cookies. Also, the new consent cookie popup creates its own cookie, which is kinda funny. It needs to so that it can remember that you clicked Okay.
It’s still happens to me to this day and honestly annoying
How do you use a cookie on SP 🍪
It tracks what you search and remembers the password of your accnt.@ColonelStriker
Got one. Dafuq is a cookie? Do they mail me one?
Started asking me after I got my new iPad.
yes, same.
happens on android and pc too... unless you're asking about ingame lol
Yum cookies
It's for everyone dudes, even Android
It’s happening to everyone I think. @ThePilotDude
It did a little while ago
Oh, Thanks! That really clears that up :)@AndrewGarrison
We are updating our websites to make sure we are compliant with GDPR, which is going into effect on May 25th. We use cookies for things like "Remember Me" functionality, so you don't need to log in everytime you visit the website. Also, we use Google Analytics to monitor website traffic, and it creates a few cookies. Also, the new consent cookie popup creates its own cookie, which is kinda funny. It needs to so that it can remember that you clicked Okay.
iOS and Windows for me