1.) Ai in the dogfight mode are still dumb as rocks and constantly stall planes by doing outside loops.
2.) When setting up the dogfight, I cant simply pull the slider to find the plane because it glitches back to the top.
2/A) Because of said bug I have to scroll wheel to find aircraft and when you have 200+ planes saved this becomes tedious as hell. Please put a search bar so we can simply look up the name like you can in build mode.
3.) Dogfight mode is still simple af and needs more settings to spice it up.
3/A)Let us select multiple distances so we have choices.
Wow, I have an Xbox One. @GermanWarMachine
You don’t play Wings of duty ww2, do you?
ME! Jk I rarely play it. But it's fun @BaconEggs
@TheOwlAce I smell the genes of a person who plays fortnite every minute they're awake
@BaconEggs The dogfight mode is the best part in my opinion, it lets you test out what kind of damage your craft can deal/take. It just needs a lot of tweaking.
@iLikeipads For me when I spawn in the camera zooms out to 30000Ft looking back at the plane.
@iLikeipads also if you zoom in that should fix it at least for me it's does
@iLikeipads same
@Rodrigo110 indeed
Oof i don't even try run 400 parts because it's like 15 to 8 FPS .-. but that's not the game's fault.
would like to add pre-programmed manueuvers, like the loop or scissors, etc.
Also the dogfight mode needs to be able to set up 2v2 or 3v3 fights and game modes like defend the carrier modes... etc
Sadly we likely won’t get anything until SR2 comes out. What’s worse is that when SR2 comes out their attention is gonna be spilt so it will take double the time to get updates as well.
It's only affecting dogfight mode, which not everyone uses anymore so this isn't exactly plaguing the game.
When you have 200+ planes and want to get to a plane with a T or a S as the first letter I just give up.
In the build area @TheOwlAce
Oh yep build mode sorry guys. @GermanWarMachine @InternationalAircraftCompany
@InternationalAircraftCompany iPad, but I will have to check for my Mac.
@Vayloz @Caveman999 Where?? Im on windows and its not there.
Which platform are you guys on? @Caveman999 @Vayloz
I have search bar in my plane selection.
We have to say that we agreed with you. Others is kinda low piority, and is OK to simply ignore it, but 1 and 2 and 2A is serious and need fixes a.s.a
p... Well we have like 500+ stuff here XD
Last time I messed with it, there were three engagement ranges.