For more information on this voting assembly and what Senators do please go here.
was competing for Wright Senator #4:
- @LivingLizardZ votes - 5
Percentage: 71%
- @WaffleCakes votes - 2
Percentage: 29%
Winner of the Wright Senator #4 election:
- @LivingLizardZ
Please congratulate our new senator!
(@JAVLARVAFAN has become Krakabloa Senator #2 by default because his opponent has dropped out.)
Thank you everyone for participating in the voting!
I’m sorry but I’m done with SimpleLandia i don’t want to be on hated nation
because I don't want any ties with a FALLING NATION XD @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia
Why? @Chancey21
Ok? @Chancey21
I am officially leaving the republic of simplelandia and cutting all ties with it
I honestly don’t know what that’s was about...
Citizen number : #000111
Vote : @WaffleCakes
@WaffleCakes Thanks my friend.
@WaffleCakes lol
@LivingLizardZ I will respect your imminent victory.
I think you will win @LivingLizardZ
And hopefully he will do the same for me.
But either way, I respect if he wins.
Ekk, I’m getting nervous, Waffles catching up...
Ok one sec @CaesiciusPlanes
You just tell me your citizen number and I’ll check to see if you are a citizen and then if you are then I tag you in the voting booth @Strikefighter04
How do you vote?
Ok. @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia
If your not WRIGHT SENATOR #4, than yes you are still a Senator @Maxwell1
Nvm I vote for wafflecakes. @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia
So I’m still a senator? @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia
000047, vote for WaffleCakes