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Wright Bay Incident

148k Pilotmario  6.7 years ago

The Wright Bay Incident is the first major engagement between Simplelandian and International Union of Nations, or IUN, forces, between 24 and 25 May 2028. Following tense diplomatic discourse, the Dosnian Republic called upon its allies to form a coalition, known as the IUN. This would include direct military support from the Republic of Canada, State of Aleuztia, and the Paternian Republic.

IUN naval forces would deploy Task Force Cyclone, comprising of a single LHA, two submarines, two destroyers, two frigates, four corvettes, and three missile boats, were as a show of force.

Simplelandian naval forces were present, involving nine torpedo boats, four patrol boats, and three corvettes; while the corvettes were classified as "frigates," their size was more consistent with corvette-sized vessels. Curiously, the torpedo boats were also classified as frigates, despite being smaller than the patrol boats.

Order of Battle

International Union of Nations

The IUN naval forces were organized under Task Force Cyclone, commanded by Commander Ivan Olegovich of the Dosnian Navy.

Dosnian Navy

  • DNS Stalwart, Guam-class LHA
  • DNS Sentinel, California-class DDG
  • DNS Monitor, California-class DDG
  • DNS Guardian, Warden-class KM

Paternian Navy, under Commander Jeremy Ma, Paternian Navy

  • PRN Katelyin Tanner (FFG-332), Alexander Hope-class FFG
  • PRN Kenji Nakagawa (FFG-435), Joyce Abe-class FFG
  • PRN Albacore (SSN-300), Albacore-class SSN
  • PRN Anglerfish (SSN-320), Albacore-class SSN
  • PRN Speedy (PHM-7), Interceptor-class PHM
  • PRN Roadrunner (PHM-9), Interceptor-class PHM
  • PRN Rocket (PHM-10), Interceptor-class PHM

Republican Canadian Navy, under Cmdr. Ma, Paternian Navy.

  • RCN Yellowstone, Beast-class KM
  • RCN Black Bear, Beast-class KM
  • RCN Lion, Beast-class KM

Joint Naval Aviation Command, aboard DNS Stalwart

  • Ten AV-6C Kestrel
  • FIve F-13 Stork
  • Six UH-49 Dove
  • Four MV-28 Vulture

Other Assets

  • Two LCM-9 in DNS Stalwart
  • Four UH-49 Dove (two on board DNS Sentinel and two on board DNS Monitor)
  • Two SH-90A Lynx (one on board PRN Tanner, one on board PRN Nakagawa)
  • Two QH-68 DASH (both on board PRN Nakagawa)
  • One Bluefin-21 ROV (on board PRN Nakagawa)
  • 1,500 Dosnian Marines
  • One Paternian Navy SEALS team aboard PRN Anglerfish


The Simplelandian naval forces present were organized under local area defenses.


  • Nine Surprise-class torpedo boats (classified as frigates)
  • Four Krakabloa-class torpedo boats (classified as patrol boats)
  • Three Peregrine-class corvettes (classified as frigates)

Naval Aviation

  • Three MP-75 Skycore, land-based.

    Air Force

  • Six MP-75 Skycore

Initial Phase, 24 May

The action was initiated when the PRN Nakagawa's DASH detected several contacts north of their position at 24 May 0200, within Wright Bay. Subsequent reconnaissance flights by Kestrel and Stork pilots as well as Paternian submarines confirmed the presence of the Simplelandian Navy corvettes and patrol boats in both the bay and just outside.

At 0512, Cmdr. Ma ordered the PRN Katelyn Tanner, escorted by the corvettes RCN Lion and RCN Yellowstone, to approach the Simpelandian coastline, remaining just outside territorial waters in order to test the defenses. When the division was 15 miles away from shore, the group was fired upon by an anti-ship missile from one of the corvettes. The Tanner discharged chaff, which successfully diverted the missile away from the division.

The Tanner, Lion, and Yellowstone returned fire soon after. The Tanner fired three RGM-290B HSLAM II multi-mission land attack missiles, and the Lion and Yellowstone firing two and three Broadsword-2 anti-ship missiles, respectively.

Despite the efforts of the corvettes with electronic countermeasures and other missile defense systems, two Broadsword missiles from the Lion as well as one HSLAM 2 missile struck one corvette, destroying it completely. Several civilian merchant ships in the harbor were hit by the missiles.

At 1328, Commander Olegovich ordered Ma to withdraw the squadron five miles south, pending reinforcements. Ma, seeing the possibility that three highly advanced warships could be overwhelmed by fast attack craft, did so by 1402.

Main Phase 24-25 May

At 1618 on 24th of May, the rest of Task Force Cyclone took up positions approximately 25 miles south south-east of Wright Bay. Olegovich wanted to draw out the Simplelandian naval forces out to engage the division five miles north north-west of their position.

Aircraft were readied on the decks of the Stalwart in preparation for a strike sortie; the slower Kestrels would be loaded with air-ground and anti-ship ordnance, while the Storks would provide escort due to its superior speed and agility.

At 1643, Commander Ma ordered the three hydrofoil missile boats and the Black Bear to reinforce the squadron in the north. By 1702, they were in position.

Night Action on the 24th

At 1902, ten Simplelandian torpedo boats, escorted by two corvettes, attempted to attack the isolated squadron. However, they were intercepted by the hydrofoils and the Black Bear some two miles north of the formation. The distance of the encounter was no more than 1,500 meters, as both forces have powered down their radars in order to avoid detection. However, the Simpelandian craft were travelling at high speed, leaving a highly visible phosphorescent wake where they went.

The Paterno-Canadian force was first to realize the situation, and realized that they were too close to effectively employ their missiles. Thus, they powered up their radars to gain a firing solution. At 1906, they opened fire at 1,000 meters with the 30mm cannons aboard the hydrofoils as well as the 76mm rapid fire cannon and 30mm CIWS of the Black Bear.

The close-range brawl resulted in the estimated loss of three torpedo boats and unverified damage to a corvette. However, the Roadrunner's forward foil was damaged by gunfire, and was forced to sail on waterjets, slowing it down considerably. The Speedy, Rocket, and Black Bear would suffer minor damage from projectiles and shrapnel, but all vessels in question were fully operational.

Action on the 25th

Combat resumed on 0451, when the surviving torpedo boats and corvettes attempted a second attack. However, they didn't have the element of surprise, and had to contend with the firepower of a Paternian frigate, three Canadian corvettes, and three Paternian missile boats head-on. The Simplelandian naval forces were effectively destroyed through a combination of anti-ship missiles and naval guns, with the loss of all torpedo craft and one corvette. The remaining corvette withdrew to the safety of the harbor.

With the destruction of most of the Simplelandian fast attack craft, Cmdr. Olegovich ordered the fleet to sail toward the position taken up by Cmdr. Ma's squadron. This was accomplished on 0634, and the two forces were able to regroup without incident.

Olegovich decided to launch a land attack strike into the Wright Bay facilities, attacking the arms depot, army base, and naval facilities in the area. With Ma's command providing screening against the potential for land-based anti-ship missiles, the Dosnian ships, in addition to Paternian Kestrels and Dosnian Storks reloaded for ground strike, smashed the facilities.

Simplelandian Air Force Skycore met the attacking aircraft, with the loss of one Kestrel and one Skycore in the aerial battles. Navy Skycore also made an attempt to strike the IUN fleet, although the extensive air defense systems aboard the Dosnian warships and Paternian frigates were able to prevent any serious damage.

As a result, attacks by HSLAM cruise missiles fired from submarines, ships, and aircraft were directed toward Wright Field. This resulted in the destruction of all but one of the Simplelandian Navy Skycore multimission strike aircraft.

Navy SEALS from the Anglerfish were landed on Wright Island in order to sabotage facilities such as the radar station and fuel supplies, a task they did successfully.

With the destruction of the Simplelandian air and naval forces complete by 1342, the IUN Naval forces withdrew victorious.

After-Action Losses


  • One aircraft shot down (Kestrel)
  • One hydrofoil moderately damaged
  • One corvette lightly damaged


  • Ten torpedo boats
  • Two corvettes
  • 8 aircraft
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    Correct. @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia

    6.7 years ago
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    Oh, that’s not allowed, Congress has to vote before we can declare war @Strikefighter04

    6.7 years ago
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    Idk. I think Bearclaw189 decided to declare war. @TheRepublicofSimpleLandia

    6.7 years ago
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    Why are we being attended when we didn’t even declare war?

    6.7 years ago
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    6.7 years ago
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    In complete support.\/\/

    6.7 years ago
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    No \/ \/ @StarKnight697

    6.7 years ago
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    Please may we have a truce to the end of the war! No one in SimpleLandia wants to fight the IUN, and we will gladly accept peace!

    6.7 years ago
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    Idk @JackTheBestBoss

    6.7 years ago
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    May I plan I counterattack? I’ll upload an unlisted aircraft and tag u and all military officers on it

    6.7 years ago
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    I believe it was Bearclaw who had beef with Dllama
    @Strikefighter04 @Pilotmario
    As such I suggest that only the leader or vice leader can declare war

    6.7 years ago
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    What the hell is happening.@Strikefighter04

    6.7 years ago
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    A heated situation, I guess I can use the power I have left with my 3 positions in Simplelandia before the next election/resignation

    6.7 years ago
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    Weren’t you the one to declare war on them? @Patton2

    6.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Strikefighter04 Well you best ask your members as to who decided to declare war on us.

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    Idk either @Pilotmario

    6.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Strikefighter04 Idk. Who had a beef with Dllama4?

    6.7 years ago
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    Is it Caveman or Bearclaw? @Pilotmario

    6.7 years ago
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    Who does that! I know me and @MyMessage don't. @Pilotmario

    6.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Strikefighter04 Why does Simplelandia declare war on everyone that Simplelandia doesn't like?

    6.7 years ago
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    Why does everyone want to fight SimpleLandia? 😠

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    148k Pilotmario

    @Supercraft888 No problem.

    6.7 years ago
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    Glad that my naval forces could lend a hand.

    6.7 years ago
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    @DemonSniper8 There's a dedicated sub-forum for this kind of stuff, so I'd have to completely disagree with your opinion 😉 ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    6.7 years ago
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    I know many don't like the RP in the SP forums but can you at least tolerate the really well-done RP's like this? This is a good example of a detailed RP.

    +4 6.7 years ago
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