(remove if needed, I wouldn't blame you..hope it won't violate any rules but no one around to talk to about it.)
Well, frick. One of my close friends took her life a few weeks ago. And I just found out that my girlfriend took hers last night. (Which probably explains why she blocked me so it prevented any chance of me stopping it. I didn't think anything of it at first) gah..so much stress. I'm going to take a small break from simple planes. I need my mind together again..
Sorry for your last man...
Ugh...that's harsh man.I feel for you.
@Awsomur @Rodrigo110 @Chancey21 @ThePrototype @Gravity @KidKromosone @ForeverPie thanks guys. I'm getting through it. It's hard. Lol sorry..I just don't know what to do or say of now. This whole day has been wonkey
Wait what the heck, I could never get my mind around something like that. Sorry man.
I don’t no what this is like so, I can’t really help you much, but still, I wish that you will be strong and get through these tough times - Potato21
Gosh man, I think it’s a great thing to tell a group of people who support him about his life troubles, if you have a problem with that then why are you here? :( @Blue0Bull
That's really awful. Let me know if I can be of any aid during this rough time. Stay strong man.
That's horrible man... Same thing happened to me recently, a good friend took his life... You just gotta stay strong, and remember that it's not your fault
We are all here to help....
That's horrible, I'm sorry to hear that......
That’s terrible, I’m praying for you and I know others will join me. I know you can get through this. You can do this.
I’m so sorry to hear this, it must be horrible to have two people you know so well take their lives.
Jeez... I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now. I mean I really can’t. Just please: stay strong. Ask close friends/family for help to get through this thing. And rest assured that this is a 100% rule-abiding post; no one’s going to take this down.