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Rant about "Sorry for inactivity" posts

247k EternalDarkness  6.8 years ago

I've been seeing way too many of these posts on the site throughout the two and a half years of me being here. "Sorry my build is late", "Sorry I'm not spending five hours a day online", "Sorry I won't be posting anything today"...

In my opinion, these posts are narcissistic. People posting them seem to think the world depends on them playing this game. "Oh no, I forgot to upload. Better say I'm sorry before stock market crashes!".

Furthermore, posts like this seem to mostly come from users with one to fifty followers, three quarters of which are inactive or followed just because of one build. Guys, nobody cares if you are active or not. Nobody cares if you have posted a one-hour build today. Just stop.

Another kind is "Sorry for inactivity", posted after six months of not even commenting. And it gets no response, because nobody knows the guy who made the post. He has five or six low quality builds from a year ago, totaling ten upvotes.

Not uploading a build or not enjoying a game anymore is not a reason to apologize. Nobody is mad at you for not posting, nobody will be angry because you stopped commenting, so you have nothing to apologize for.

This post was written in a hurry, and might lack style of my other posts.

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    41.9k Ren

    Sorry for inactivity. I wouldve commented earlier, but I was inactive. Im so sorry community. Plzz forgive me.

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    7,182 Megamonster


    5.7 years ago
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    Thank you, thank you, thank you, hallelujah amen. A post made by a platinum player against spam. this should set a precedent

    6.5 years ago
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    6,334 Sarin

    Urgh,Sorry for upvoting this forum

    6.7 years ago
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    57.4k bjac0

    Sorry for commenting on this

    6.7 years ago
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    17.2k Hawkeye156

    @EternalDarkness how about conecting a harrier/f-35b and a su 37 for rh forces? as a air superoirity fighter and attacker so a rh forces F/A-25

    6.7 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    Sorry for Sorry for Inactivity.

    6.8 years ago
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    🇻🇳 @JangoTheMango

    6.8 years ago
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    @RamboJutter lol. And it's not even well written. If it didn't get so popular, I would have remade it better.

    6.8 years ago
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    You have more upvotes for a rant than I get for most of my builds, must be a higher quality rant :)

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    Dis boi triggered fam
    Hes got no chill
    'Lax on them blunts, brotha

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    Um, exCUSE me, have you even read Mein Kamph? @JangoTheMango

    6.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    Jesus motherfather christ

    6.8 years ago
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    30.4k Potato21

    I have done this before, and I see why peaple may not like it, so instead, I will just change my bio.

    6.8 years ago
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    30.4k Potato21

    I did that once, I was flying one of sperfyjebs planes and I flew really fast into the water, it turned my screen black and i thought it was cool and made it a location. I started a game their and forgot to switch locations, so when I started of it whould be a black screen. The thing I didn’t notice, is when you made it a location, you were unable to change locations. So I had to delete the app.....@BogdanX

    6.8 years ago
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    @Jettison problem are not "I'm back" posts. Sure, notify your followers that you are back. Better yet, upload a build that will appear in jet stream of your followers, and put "I'm back" in description.
    But why apologize? Over-Apologizing is, to me, extremely annoying, and a sign of weak personality. Apologize for spilling somebody's drink, for accidentally insulting somebody, for committing a genocide... don't apologize for not playing a game.

    6.8 years ago
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    watc ur profanyti

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    2,705 Jettison

    I do get why you don't like these posts, and I too do grow sick of them when I'm browsing through reasonably well made posts, trying to find a new one to play with. I guess I could talk with a bit of experience in the subject (just look at my posting record, I had a gap of about 1 and a bit years between posts), where you return to a community that was relatively small (at least for me), that has experienced large growth and development, with even more amazing and talented creators on the site, sharing their new concepts or cool planes. I'd imagine that these posts are people feeling like a part of something special, as with quite a few indie games, and they may feel guilty or a fear of being left out if they come back without an explanation.
    To that I’d say "Whatever. It's a game", but I know that a younger me would have been all over the whole "sorry for inactivity" band wagon, especially if there are larger creators saying similar things; I can't be bothered to find them, but I swear I've seen things like 'I'm back' or 'sorry for absence' from older creators. In essence, there is an issue with the smaller creators (not saying I’m that huge anyway) posting whatever they want on the site and creating relatively poor plane designs, however, if the devs were to do a crackdown on things like this, it’d just put said players off playing, removing some of the community for good, for the small benefit of pleasing those agreeing in the comments of this rant as well as yourself. Ultimately, they can do whatever they want, within the community guidelines. And just a reminder, within the first rule, the devs even acknowledge that “kids use this site”, so you should expect posts like these from kids who don’t know best.

    EDIT: I know it's slightly different, and reasonably well made, but here's one from Hypnotoad: . If one of the higher ranking guys posts one, people are going to follow their example.

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    This is so true. I see these posts and am like: “another load of boring posts”.


    6.8 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    @MrTaco How dare you not comment in a month.BLOCKED.
    XD Jk

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    2,708 MrTaco

    I haven’t commented in a month. I think I’ll just go ahead and apologize for that.

    Sorry everybody

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    I would have commented sooner, but inwas inactive sorry,
    If the world is destroyed tomorrow, i called it.

    6.8 years ago
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    5,677 Johawks1976

    “Sorry for being inactive lately”

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    “He has five or six low quality builds from a year ago, totaling ten upvotes.“
    Um, ACKTUALLY, i identify as a train

    +1 6.8 years ago
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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    @EternalDarkness ugh, that was supposed to be a self deprecating joke not a real question about the argument. I understand the argument and agree.

    6.8 years ago
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